Pavements & potholes purge – tools for Roads in Clewer North

Tool box

In our previous article, we told you about the “Pavement & pothole purge” we launched in August 2014.

Here you will find a series of free tools to help you note down where the potholes, poor road surfaces, and difficult pavements are in our ward, please use the list below to help you collect information, before emailing it to Cllr Da Costa or Bob Kirk.

Alternatively, you can also download the spread sheet (free of charge), fill it in, and then email it to Cllr Da Costa, or Bob Kirk.

Click here to download or print the PDF worksheet sheet, State of Clewer North Roads and Pavments 2014 

Click here to download the spread sheet, State of Clewer North Roads and Pavments 2014

Contact us quickly to improve our roads

Send your email to me with a copy to Bob Kirk at


List / table of roads in Clewer North, State of Clewer North Roads and Pavments 2014

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