Council Blog – Cllr Wisdom Da Costa – 12 August 2014

Cllr Wisdom Da Costa ©

Here’s my first full blog as Councillor for Clewer North; the first partial blog/article was entitled, “People Power” – click here to read it. Tell me what you think.

Caveat emptor

I hope to get many things right, for you, but I expect I will make a few errors along the way, in which case I will appologise.

So bear with me.

A famous victory
A famous victory

What have I been up to?

I recently wrote, with pride, of our (we are a team) stunning victory in the by election on 24 July. The magnitude of the victory was a great tribute to Cynthia & the Endacott family, and also to the residents of Clewer North. Click here to read that article.

Since then, I have been busy making connections with officers at the town hall, and also other Councillors, whether Independent, Conservative, or Liberal Democrat; My aim is to get the best for Clewer North residents, and to add value to all Windsorians.

So, first on the list is connecting with Highways to work with them to improve the state of roads & pavements. I will also ask the officers to write on this site about some of their great new proposals.

Pothole on Hanover Way
Pothole on Hanover Way

A steep learning curve

I have been appointed to the following committees and panels, and I would value your comments on the activities of these groups;

  1. Rights of Way and Highway Licensing Panel* – voting member
  2. Adult Services & Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel Panel – voting member
  3. Rural Forum Panel – voting member
  4. Windsor Urban DC Panel* – substitute member for Cllr Penfold
  5. Highways, Transport & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel – substitute member for Cllr Fido
  6. Leisure, Culture & Libraries Overview & Scrutiny Panel – substitute member for Cllr Penfold
  7. Windsor Town Forum – substitute member for Cllr Fido

* I am on a steep learning curve, and will have to undergo some training before I can take my seat on Licensing and Planning panels.

A few more thank yous

I also have to deal with a Council whose officers are under pressure, partly due to the continual cut backs by the “you know who” group; Morale seems depleted, and regrettably some good officers have left our service. I aim to encourage them, as they seem to all want to serve you well and do a good job.

Please join me, and  say thank you to RBWM officers and staff when you notice the good job they are doing.

BA Jumbo flying low over Windsor
BA Jumbo flying low over Windsor

Can you imagine how bad it will be if the government ignore our pleas?

I have also written to our MP, Adam Afriyie, about the proposed third runway at Heathrow, expressing concerns about its anticipated effect, in particular its size and increased closeness to Windsor, on noise levels in Windsor; aircraft could be up to 200ft lower over Clewer village! Yes, 200ft lower over Windsor!

The noise is appalling now, especially from older aircraft. Can you imagine how bad it will be if the government ignore our pleas to site expansion elsewhere other than Heathrow?

Click here to find out more about the Heathrow debate

It’s a jungle out there

Many issues have also arisen since March 2014 including which I, and the WWRA, have taken up on your behalf;

I am also keeping an eye on the other issues which I highlighted in my election leaflet – click here for a copy of the leaflet to see the issues.


Help us help you

There is much happening in Windsor at the moment, and many things are in a state of flux, or up for grabs.

Come and join us, to help us help you; the more people who help, the more we can get done for our residents.

You can email me at

Have a great Summer.


Wisdom Da Costa

Councillor for Clewer North Ward


The views of the writer does not necessarily reflect the views of the WWRA, and no liability can be accepted for any damage caused by the contents of this article, or its publication on the WWRA website, or it’s use by others.