Bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Temporary bin collection dates over Christmas and New Year. Normal collections resume on Monday 15 January Continue reading Bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Temporary bin collection dates over Christmas and New Year. Normal collections resume on Monday 15 January Continue reading Bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Councillor Simon Werner was elected as the new Leader of the Council. Continue reading New councillors take up posts at RBWM annual council meeting
Windsor residents have concerns about how the Town is being run. We have packaged your comments into a series of WWRA Plans For Windsor. Continue reading What Windsor residents are talking about – WWRA Plans For Windsor
Four extra police officers, dedicated to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in the Royal Borough, are proposed to be recruited to support community safety and enhanced local partnership working with the police. The proposed £240,000 investment from the Royal Borough … Continue reading Full Council to consider extra police officers for the Royal Borough
Based on casework, WWRA Councillors are aware of failings in RBWM;s Adult Care. Our Budget proposals aim at improving Adult Care Quality and Value For Money for council tax payers Continue reading Improving Adult Care Quality and Value For Money for council tax payers
“Biodiversity is key to the survival of life on Earth. Its loss deprives future generations of irreplaceable genetic information and compromises sustainability.” So how do we go about preventing mass extinctions in the UK? Continue reading Protect and restore: Preventing mass extinctions in the UK
The consequences of global warming are emotionally overwhelming so, Cllr Wisdom Da Costa sets out a simple strategy for clear and achievable action, Pathways to Net Zero Carbon. Continue reading Pathways to Net Zero Carbon & GreenHouse Gas Emissions
A recent RBWM letter paves the way to unnecessary building on our sacred and precious green belt not for Windsor needs but for Slough. In other words, plans to Pave Paradise in RBWM. Continue reading Plans to Pave Paradise in RBWM
Find out what the WWRA said in response to the Council’s proposals to build 650 extra houses on unsuitable, Greenbelt land on the edge of West Windsor in Oakley Green and, why we need to respond in our hundreds and thousands. Continue reading The WWRA response to RBWM’s draft local plan and site HA11