Windsor Racecourse wants to listen to local views on their outline idea for a Hotel and Park and Ride on site. They organised a consultation event on Monday June 15 – 2pm to 8pm, having mailshotted 400 local residents. They were sounding out residents’ views on these two schemes. The hotel could be located in one of two places – either at the Racecourse itself or (as you’re driving out of Windsor) just past the exit in the field where racegoers park. The Park & Ride would be located just before the exit. They are investigating if the Park & Riders can have the opportunity of getting into Windsor Town by boat as well as by bus. I spoke with Stuart Dorn, Executive Director, and he will be sending me the link to the display boards which I will upload on the WWRA website. It is still at an early stage so nothing is set in stone. However they would like to hear your views. Send them to