Plans to replace the historic, riverside Mill House with a 4 storey block of flats cause controversy. Have your say now to save Windsor Riverside from inappropriate development.
Proposed Redevelopment on Windsor Riverside
Do you enjoy walking around Windsor’s riverside area and parks? Are you concerned to preserve the character of the area? Did you believe that the views of the Castle from the riverside were protected for both locals and visitors and for future generations?
Currently the site of a compact office building with a gabled roof, a Planning Application has been submitted to demolish the Mill House site in Barry Avenue, and replace it with a square block of 5 flats, topped with a third-floor flat roofed penthouse.
Comments from the Windsor and Eton Society
The Windsor and Eton Society are raising very valid concerns about the planned redevelopment of The Mill House site in Barry Avenue, situated between the entrance to the Riverside car park and the Windsor and Eton Bowls Club.
They question the acceptability of this very modern style of building within the Central Windsor Conservation Area, and argue that ‘the sensitivity of its riverside position’ demands a design which is more appropriate to this setting.
With the new flats occupying much more of the site than the current offices, the proposed new block is likely to appear oppressively prominent, instead of blending into its surroundings. Despite promised screening with shrubs and (deciduous) trees on the Goswell Meadow side, the building could seriously detract from the views of the riverside area which so many people – visitors and locals alike – love to visit.

Time to have your say
Do you like the idea? If not, the more people who object the more chance the current design will be refused and we will end up with a design appropriate for such a sensitive setting.
How to make a comment on the planning application
You can object by
- clicking on
- On the right hand side click “Comment on this application”
The deadline is 27 March, so act now.