QC slams Council’s Local Plan approach as “wholly erroneous and unlawful”

How bad is the Council’s Borough Local Plan and, what can you do about it? According to John Hobson QC, RBWM’s approach is “wholly erroneous and unlawful” and “amenable to a judicial review.” Read more.

The WWRA support RRAG’s challenge of RBWM’s flawed Borough Local Plan

The WWRA has been openly critical of the quality and content of the Borough’s Local Plan (draft BLP) and, the Council’s lack of constructive engagement, despite willingness from experienced and able neighbourood plan groups, parish councils and residents associations like the WWRA.

Cllr Da Costa, the WWRA and RBWM Residents Action Group have tried to persuade Council leaders to pause to allow a more holistic and complete plan to be prepared, with their help, but, the Conservative group have refused.

As a consequence, RBWM Residents Action Group have recently commissioned a QC to comment on the proposed BLP called, “REGULATION 19 CONSULTATION” a copy of which was sent to RBWM’s Council leaders. Click here to read QC John Hobson’s in full.


QC slams Council’s Local Plan

How have RBWM responded?

According to the Residents Action Group, “Nearly four weeks later, we have yet to receive the courtesy of a formal response from the council on this Legal Opinion. However, they have announced an extension to the consultation period to 27 September and issued a Press Release clarifying that anyone can submit comments on any aspect of the Plan. While the messages in the revised communication material are still confusing, this does represent some success for RRAG.

 We nonetheless continue to feel very strongly that residents have not been consulted properly about this BLP and that it is a Plan without a vision for our communities; a Plan that will not deliver the housing that we need in the best locations, nor the Infrastructure improvements that we need. But the council absolutely refuse to engage with us on these issues but are instead determined to press on at whatever cost. We have been left with no option but to challenge this Plan all the way through to examination at the end of Reg 19 process.”


Click here to read RRAG’s useful FAQs

Want to find out more?

RRAG have produced a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the BLP and the consultation process, available on their website. Click here to download a copy of RRAG’s helpful FAQs




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