Heathrow Airport unfairly route 95% of flights over Windsor, night and day, on easterly operations. You can change this, but you will need to act quickly. See below for what to do.
We need a fair and even distribution of flights over Windsor
The Heathrow planning application
Heathrow airport have applied for planning permission to modify their taxiways and groundworks to allow an even, and fair, distribution of flights over all four sectors of its runway from Cranford, Hatton Cross, Old Windsor, and Windsor.
We need a fair and even distribution of flights over Windsor to protect our residents, men, women, children, and pets.
Heathrow’s inaction has caused more than 6 years of unnecessary suffering for Windsorians
Although the application was made 4 years later than promised, and despite the fact that it will take up to two years to fully implement, at least they have now committed to spending the money and taking action i.e. Heathrow’s inaction has caused more than 6 years of unnecessary suffering for Windsorians.
The London Borough of Hillingdon unfairly, in our opinion, have refused their application.
Heathrow’s Appeal
Heathrow have appealed, and their appeal is being considered over the next few months, BUT the DEADLINE for us to support this application IS NOW.
we strive to get a better deal for all Windsorians. We care for you
The WWRA will be supporting their appeal as we strive to get a better deal for all Windsorians. We care for you.
Also read, and copy, Councillor Da Costa’s personal letter of support, which reports on the documented, and disastrous effect of aircraft noise on local residents at, “Councillor Da Costa supports the Heathrow planning appeal”
Make a submission in support of Heathrow’s appeal by midnight on Wednesday 19 November 2014
How you can help get a fair noise distribution over Windsor
Make a submission in support of Heathrow’s appeal by Wednesday 19 November 2014
How to make a submission
1. You can write, you must send three copies, to Helen Skinner at The Planning Inspectorate, 3/26 Hawk Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN – for more information contact Helen Skinner on 0303 444 5531 or email her at helen.skinner@pins.gsi.gov.uk – always quote the case reference APP/R5510/A/14/2225774
2. You can use the online tools at the Planning Portal at http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/casesearch.asp
- Click on the link at http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/casesearch.asp, then
- Fill in the “Case Reference” APP/R5510/A/14/2225774, then click “Search for Cases”, then
- Click on the hyperlinked reference “APP/R5510/A/14/2225774”, then
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click, “Comment on this case”, then
Scroll down the page to “YOUR DETAILS and A) select “Interested party”, then B) select the relevant box to indicate if you’ve “previosly submitted comments, or not, then C) Fill in your details, and D) click “Continue to second page”
- Scroll down to “REPRESENTATION” and A) select “Interested party”, then select whether you wish to submit your comments by B) typing in the box below and/or C) attaching documents, then click, “Submit”
What to say in the submission
You can refer to;
- How aircraft noise affects you,
- That there were 9,000 landings over Windsor in the first 21 days of September 9 (see stats below), and that since 10 November we have had a week of continuous landings with no periods of relief unlike that provided to communities to the east of the airport
- That it is unfair that Windsor gets nearly 100% of flights when there is an Easterly wind, and if you want to
- Comment on one of London Borough of Hillingdon’s 5 reasons for refusal
Landing stats from Heathrow from 1 – 21 September 2014
NB Does not include take offs during period – we await that data from Heathrow Airport Ltd
Heathrow aircraft landings |
Runway | Southern | Southern | Northern | Northern | |
Runway | 27L | 09R | 27R | 09L | |
Direction of flight |
East to West |
West to east | East to West |
West to east |
Area affected |
Hatton Cross |
Old Windsor | Cranford |
Windsor |
1 | 357 | – | 318 | – | 0% |
2 | – | 83 | – | 597 | 88% |
3 | – | 53 | – | 616 | 92% |
4 | – | 59 | – | 611 | 91% |
5 | 215 | 33 | 305 | 125 | 18% |
6 | 342 | – | 297 | – | 0% |
7 | 348 | – | 425 | – | 0% |
8 | 336 | – | 339 | – | 0% |
9 | 181 | 21 | 350 | 126 | 19% |
10 | – | 54 | – | 619 | 92% |
11 | – | 61 | – | 615 | 91% |
12 | – | 57 | – | 623 | 92% |
13 | – | 65 | – | 579 | 90% |
14 | – | 62 | – | 614 | 91% |
15 | – | 66 | – | 606 | 90% |
16 | – | 63 | – | 598 | 90% |
17 | – | 59 | – | 605 | 91% |
18 | – | 43 | – | 626 | 94% |
19 | 19 | 38 | 268 | 347 | 52% |
20 | 8 | 32 | – | 593 | 94% |
21 | – | 62 | – | 605 | 91% |
14,124 | 1,806 | 911 | 2,302 | 9,105 | 64% |
Hillingdon’s 5 reasons for refusal
Here are Hillingdon’s five reasons for refusing the original planning application;
- Significant adverse noise impacts on the health and well-being of residential populations, users of schools and community facilities & failure to provide adequate and sufficient mitigation measures.
- Failure to demonstrate that proposal would not result in an unacceptable deterioration in local air quality & failure to propose specific mitigation measures to minimise the exposure of the nearby impacted communities to the resultant polluted air.
- The Environmental Statement fails to comply with relevant Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.
- The Environmental Statement also fails to provide a cumulative assessment of the proposed development and the associated operational airport changes with the recommendations of the Airports Commission and the ability to operate ‘mixed mode’ within the existing air transport movement limits.
- Failure to demonstrate that the proposed acoustic screen by virtue of its height and overall size would not represent an incongruous and visually dominant form of development and would not harm the character and appearance of the wider area, and detract from the openness of the site and therefore be harmful to the Green Belt.
We have until 19 November 2014 to save Windsor from excessing aircraft noise.
This is an urgent request, so please ACT NOW
Tell us how you get on
I wish you peace
Wisdom Da Costa
Chair, WWRA
Councillor for Clewer North