Outgoing WWRA Chairman, Cllr Wisdom Da Costa, invites you to the 2015 AGM entitled, Windsor: past, present, and future, and asks you to help make 2015 a Golden Year for local people.
If you don’t, who will?
Chairman’s Address
Dear fellow residents,
You have a great opportunity to change Windsor for good this year, and make it a Golden Year for local people.
Whether it’s taking part in the historic Magna Carta parties coming to West Windsor, and along the river; helping us organise family, fun events; fighting for the rights of others as a committee member or councillor; being the face of the WWRA, and taking our friendly message out to people; voting & supporting in the local and General Elections, you can help us make Windsor wonderful for all, regardless of income or circumstance.
So come and join in. If you don’t, who will?
In this closing address I’d like to thank our many volunteers, and your committee for their help and support.
I’d like to especially mention Cllrs Fido and Penfold who retire this year, and also Mike Moss, John Holdstock, and Peter Brown for their insights and energy.
It has been an honour serving you as Chair.

See you at the AGM on 25 March 2015
Cllr Wisdom Da Costa
Chair WWRA
Email: wisdomdacosta@hotmail.co.uk
2015 AGM – Windsor, past, present, & future
The 2015 AGM will be preceded by presentations from
- Magna Carta 800 – Councillor Margaret Lenton
- Windsor Neighbourhood Plan – Chairman Claire Milne
- Windsor 20130 Neighbourhood Plan Group – to be confirmed
Refreshments and freebies: Cheese and wine will be served at the end of the AGM, and Hacan will have available free posters, and car stickers, with the slogan, “NO 3rd RUNWAY”

Reports: are available at https://www.westwindsorresidentsassociation.org.uk/news/2015-agm-papers/3362 Please download and read them before you get to the AGM.
Committee member nominations: print off and complete the Nomination papers below, and return them to Wisdom by 23 March 2015