RBWM has thanked everyone who took part in the public consultation on the proposed budget for 2023/24.
All local authorities are legally obliged to produce a balanced budget and public engagement forms a key part of this process.
It thanked all councillors for their input during the ongoing budget setting process and for their contributions through the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
The six-week budget consultation saw 373 responses submitted by residents, community groups and businesses, with nearly 7,000 questions answered overall.
Analysis of the community feedback will help inform discussions at the Full Council on Tuesday 21 February.
Cabinet papers set out a number of proposed budget changes, including an additional £500,000 for Adult Social Care and £670,000 for Children’s Services, which will remove or reduce savings originally proposed in these areas, including those relating to Meals on Wheels, Family Hubs and the Youth Offending Team.
Other proposed budget amendments also include retaining free Sunday parking in Maidenhead, extending the Resident Parking Discount Scheme to further car parks, investment to provide four environmental enforcement officers, and additional budget for road maintenance, the appearance of town centres, and air quality monitoring.
During the consultation, the Government announced an extra £3.539m in grant funding for the Royal Borough than had been assumed when preparing the draft budget. This gives the council the financial flexibility to allocate additional funding in light of the consultation responses. Learn more in the RBWM budget consultation press release.
Frankie Theobalds
WWRA Chair