The Government latest call for input on aviation ends 13 October 2017. Find out about the Government’ latest calls for inputs on aviation and, read the WWRA submission below.
Input on aviation
The Government latest call for input on aviation ends 13 October 2017. In it’s consultation document entitled, “Beyond the horizon: The future of UK aviation ”, The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, Secretary of State for Transport, addresses a number of issues including leaving the EU but, he does not refer to the issue of creating an economy that is balanced for all across the UK – after all, we are one nation.
However, his comments do include the following point, inter alia, “I am also clear that any new strategy must address the impact of aviation on local communities and the environment.” Let’s hope this is not just lip service
NB The deadline for government’s latest and further call for input on aviation ends this week on 13 October 2017.

More information
To download a copy of the document, click here
The report contains six substantive sections including;
- Our aviation story – past, present and future
- Towards a new Aviation Strategy
- Help the aviation industry work for its customers
- Ensure a safe and secure way to travel
- Build a global and connected Britain
- Encourage competitive markets
- Support growth while tackling environmental impacts
- Develop innovation, technology and skills
What does the WWRA note in its submission?
Click here to read our submission
Feel free to include some of the points in our submission, sent today.
How to make a submission – have your input on aviation
Submissions can be made in one of three ways;
- Using the online form at
- By email directly to:
- Or, by post to, “Aviation Strategy Department for Transport 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 4DR
The closing date for submissions is Friday 13th October 2017
WWRA Office
To promote the interests and wellbeing of West Windsor residents