Did you miss the Heathrow Public Meetings on 20 January 2015? Here are the slides for you to use. Sign up for our email alerts, and we will send you a free “How to have your voice heard guide”.
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Slide show from the meetings – V2
20 January 2015
Slides from the Public Meeting on The Expansion of Heathrow, held at Windsor Racecourse on 20 January 2015, hosted by West Windsor Residents Association, the Old Windsor Residents Association, and the Oakley Green & Fifield Residents Association. Presenters; John Holdstock, Cllr Malcolm Beer, Paul Jennings, Rod Ball, Mike Sullivan, & Cllr Wisdom Da Costa
- The slides scroll every 10 seconds.
- The Johnny & Mary Guide to Heathrow Operations will be published separately.
The Health Effects of an extra runway at Heathrow
With audio
ERRATUM – Apologies for a slip of the tongue on slide 7. You won’t definitely die from a heart attack after 15 years, but your risk is significantly greater, according to researchers.
20 January 2015
Presentation first given at Windsor Racecourse on 20 January 2015. WWRA Chairman, Cllr Wisdom Da Costa presents the findings of more than 50 of the world’s top medical and education institutions on how Heathrow, and airport operations affect residents. That’s up to 2 million people around Heathrow. Their findings are sobering, if not frightening, and many of the issues have been ignored by the Government’s Airports Commission. You wonder why. It’s time to take action to the proposed HAL (sic Hell) on Earth.