The Aviation Commission recommends that that legal limits should be imposed on noise and air pollutions and night flights should be abolished, if a third runway is built at Heathrow.
Neither of these can be delivered in practice and we must challenge the illusion that they can.
Air pollution has for some time exceeded approved limits at two locations in Windsor and it appears no effective action can be taken to address the issue, despite the threat of financial penalties being imposed by the European Commission. The notion that three runways, with 50% more flights, can operate within legally imposed limits on air and noise pollutions is utterly fanciful, as is the idea that the public will accept congestion charges on the motorways.
The abolition of night flights would mean that planes have to circle somewhere whilst they wait for the airport to open. There seems little chance of that happening.

Over 70,000 additional homes, along with associated infrastructure would be needed and the Association will be pressing for the Royal Borough and others to carry out an impact assessment of what this means for local authorities. This would demonstrate the disastrous impact that such development will bring to all of us and the cost that we would have to bear.
It is essential that the government understands the level of opposition to a third and later a fourth runway at Heathrow. The WWRA website will keep you up to date with developments, so that you can voice your concerns.