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Welcome to our last Newsletter before the local election on 4th May 2023.
Enclosed are some key information and deadlines for voting and also for Cost-of-Living Crisis Grants in this edition so, please read through it carefully.
Your WWRA Councillors Carole DA COSTA and Wisdom Costa continue to work hard for all of us and help those in need at the West Windsor Hub, and their roles on various Panels including People, Corporate Parenting, Windsor Planning, the hidden but influential Royal Berkshire Pension Fund and of course Full Council.
Watch out for some storming stories of their work and passion for our residents in West Windsor,
Given their profound work for residents I am pleased to confirm the AGM’s approval that both Cllr Carole DA COSTA and Cllr Wisdom DA COSTA will be your WWRA candidates at the May 4th Local Elections in Clewer & Dedworth West.
Frankie Theobalds
Chair WWRA

Litter picks & Fly Tipping
Join Frankie, Carole, Wisdom and the team for one of our regular litter picks. It’s great fun working together to clean up our local area. We were joined by PSCO Dan Scott at our last one.
If you come across fly tipping it can be reported via RBWM’s website at or by phoning customer services 01628 683800

Proposal to spend £4m Windfall Income to improve Bus Services, Pavements & Crossings in Windsor, and improve failings in Adult Social Care
RBWM received an extra unexpected £4m from the Government so, your WWRA Councillors talked to residents about how we can spend some of that £4m on Windsor residents, you.
Carole and Wisdom spent weeks working with senior Council officers to create and assess the cost of various improvements to services and proposed;
- The No. 16 Bus reroutes along Foster Avenue and Wolf Lane – Cost £150,000
- Increasing the frequency of the No. 2 bus service to Windsor & Slough – Cost £75,000
- The creation of a Night Bus Service for locals – Cost £225,000
- Resumption of welfare checks, audits and financial clawback on evidently failing care contractors – Cost £175,000
- A Windsor Walkways scheme over three years – Cost £600,000 in 2023/24 – including
- Improvements to pavements on Ruddlesway, Gallys Road, Smiths Lane, Wolf Lane, Vale Road, Dedworth Road and Clewer Hill Road.
- Installation of 7 new crossing points at the Willows, Dedworth Medical Centre on Vale Road, Ruddles Way, Outside Schools etc…
- Installation of improved drop kerbs so people, parents, children and the elderly can crossroads more easily.
Sadly, all the Conservatives all voted against it and other Windsor Independents didn’t support it and abstained.Carole & Wisdom have now established the principle and, if elected will work with the new administration to implement these much-needed schemes

Proposal for 320 Houses plus SEN School on greenfield site AL21 – PENDING
An Outline planning application for 320 Houses plus SEN School on 50 acres of greenfield site between the A308 and the Dedworth Road was heard at a Council Planning Panel (Panel) on 1 March 2023.
Cllr Wisdom DA COSTA represented the concerns of residents and spoke forcefully against the flaws in the proposal and many Members of the Panel discussed these concerns.
Unfortunately, the only Windsor Councillor to vote against the proposal was Cllr Carole DA COSTA.
UPDATE: Cllr Wisdom DA COSTA promptly submitted an objection to the Monitoring Officer which was later supported by a 10-page report, produced with residents and Councillors, setting out the details of concerns with the process, the conduct and, significant problems with evidence used.
At going to print, the Monitoring Officer has not yet delivered her decision as to whether the Approval will be cancelled, and a new Panel called.

West Windsor Hub & Cost of Living Support
The WWRA is please to support the work of Cllr Carole DA COSTA and her team of volunteers at the West Windsor Hub.(the Hub)
The Hub has developed from a COVID response charity to supporting hundreds of families in West Windsor who are struggling with the Cost-of-Living Crisis.
On a low income and struggling with rising cost. If you or you know of anyone in need of a £145 HSF grant, please contact the Hub on 01753 342110 we can help you make a claim. Closing date 31/3/23
Shopping services. Are you in isolation or unable to leave home with no family to help, then call 01753 342110 for shopping help
Warm space, a hot meal and company. The Hub has been running as a Warm Space since January offering a warm safe place to go during the colder months. They have been serving a hot lunch and pudding, with the chance to take a flask of hot drink or soup.
Go along Tuesday or Friday 10:30 to 2pm have a cuppa and see what they do.

Other important issues
- NEW WWRA WEBSITE: Someone stole our website and is impersonating us so we have been forced to create a new website at – You can read about the local issues that your WWRA are dealing with here.
- NEW EMAIL NEWS SERVICE: We have also launched a new email news service to get you news directly to your computer or phone – To sign up, go to
- To JOIN THE WWRA, go to – Members will initially be automatically subscribed to the email news service
- Deadline to REGISTER TO VOTE is Monday 17 April 2023 – you can register online at
- FREE PHOTO ID to vote – you must present photo ID to vote on 4 Math 2023. This can include your passport or a photo card drivers licence. You can get a free Photo ID to vote at
- POSTAL VOTE DEADLINE is 5pm on Tuesday 18 April 2023 – you can register for a postal vote online at