Windsor Coach Park footbridge works will now avoid Christmas to help businesses

Refurbishment of the Windsor coach park footbridge, will now completely avoid the Christmas trading period following a campaign by the local business community.

After listening to concerns, RBWM has split the works into two phases – with no scaffolding or bridge closure happening during phase one, due to start on Monday 2 October and last around eight weeks.

Phase one will focus solely on refurbishing the bridge lifts and will start with a site compound being set up in a small area of the Coach Park.

The bridge will remain open to the public via its steps, however the lifts will be unavailable. Signposted alternative routes and lift access will be in place from the Coach Park to the town centre and castle for those who would usually use the lifts.

After a break for Christmas trading, the intention is to start phase two in the New Year and works will continue for around 17 weeks.

During phase two, the bridge will need to be fully closed to the public and surrounder by scaffolding due to its proximity to a working railway platform.

Access to businesses will be maintained throughout, and signs will be in place showing alternative walking routes.

Read more in the RBWM press release.