Respond to primary school offer by 3 May

Reminder: Have you responded to your child’s Primary, First or Junior school offer?

Calling all parents! If your child is starting Primary, First or Junior school in September 2024, please respond by Friday 3 May 2024 to let us know if you wish to accept or decline the offer of the school place made to your child.

If you applied online using the portal, you will be able to log into your account to view the outcome and accept or decline your offer and you will also receive an email confirming the outcome of your application. 

You can also email your acceptance or decline of offer to Please remember to include your child’s full name and date of birth.

If you applied using our Google online form, you will not be able to access the admissions portal and your outcome will be sent via email providing information about the outcome and how to respond. Further information is available on our school admissions page.