RBWM rubber-stamps 400-home development in Sawyers Close

Green light for regeneration scheme set to deliver scores of social rented homes

A planning application from housing provider Abri for the regeneration of Sawyers Close in Windsor has been approved by RBWM’s Windsor and Ascot Development Management Committee.

The proposals mean that the existing buildings will be demolished and 413 ‘affordable’ homes built on the existing site and on open space adjacent that has been handed to Abri by the council. Every Abri household at Sawyers Close is guaranteed one of the new properties.

Through working closely with Abri, RBWM claims to have have agreed ‘significantly’ more social rented homes at this redevelopment than is required under planning policy – 199 of the 413 units will be social rents.

Of these, 167 will replace existing social housing units, and 32 additional homes will be set at social rent levels for the duration of the first tenancy/first five years.

RBWM claims, ‘this shows how we’re committed to working with our partners to address the local housing challenge residents face, to improve access to quality, genuinely affordable housing and to improve quality of life for all, including our most vulnerable residents’.

Read Abri’s spin on the new housing in its press release.