Cllr. Wisdom da Costa has called in a planning application to build two houses on Wolf Lane play area to ask a planning officer questions and discuss the issue before reaching a decision.
The application is to build new dwellings, bike, tool, bin and green waste stores and new boundary treatment.
Chairman of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA), Franke Theobalds said: “I
would like to add my objections to the planning application, citing the reasons below.
This area is an important green space for the local residents and such infilling sets a dangerous precedent for the town.
There is no parking provision, and one would expect any housing to accommodate car ownership.”
Local residents have submitted over dozen objections to the plan, citing a loss of amenity
One resident said: “It is a lovely quiet area. The loss of the amenity space will have a negative impact on the area. There is no off-street parking included in the plans. Despite including a bike store it is likely that the occupants of the two dwellings will have vehicles and with no off-street parking have no options other than park on the surrounding roads where there is already limited parking.
The design is completely out of character with the surrounding neighborhood.”
Another wrote: “I wish to object to the proposed development of the Wolf Lane Play Area by the development of two new dwellings on the site.
“This will further erode the play facilities available to young people that are accessible without a car. It will also lead to a greater density of housing, creating a ‘closed in ‘feel, causing access issues, increasing and already difficult.parking situation (these days three cars per house does not seem uncommon but parking requirements do not reflect this reality), and lead to a greater run off flooding risk from rainwater as a large absorption area will be built over. A green, natural play area has much more social and community importance than the proposed development.”