Do you have a winning Garden in Bloom?

There are just a few weeks left to nominate your Garden in Bloom for 2023.

The Mayoral competition is seeking nominations for the best roses, borders and flowering baskets which can be seen when walking past a garden in the borough.

And your garden could be recognised as being the best in your ward.

You can nominate your own garden or a neighbour’s. Or if you see another beautiful garden which brings you joy, you could take a note of the address and nominate it. The competition is open to every garden visible to passers-by from a pavement or road. 

Nominations can be made here and must be made before Friday 14 July.

Winners and runners-up in each ward will be presented with a rosette and a Braywick Heath Nursery voucher. All nominees will receive a certificate.

Nominations can also be made by emailing or by post to “Garden in Bloom”, c/o Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead SL6 1RF.