If you are troubled by the noise of aircraft flying overhead, whether at night, in the early hours of the morning, or like a Chinese water torture every minute during the day, please complete the Consultation form for the Heathrow Airport Noise Management Plan 2024 – 2028 – click here to respond.
The consultation closes at 23:55 on 17 July 2023 and, you can find out more in our article Heathrow Airport Noise Management Consultation ends 17 July 2023
What are the two key issues about aircraft overflight noise that affect humans?
The two key issues are;
- Aircraft and so noise and disturbance is unfairly channeled over Windsor, Datchet & Holyport for 100% of the time when there is an East wind. This usually happens in the hot, & bright Summer months as has been witnessed so far this Summer since May 2023. Instead, as there are TWO runways, the noise should be split 50:50 with Windsor, Datchet and Holyport only suffering for 50% of the day when there is an East wind; Heathrow could and should have done this soon after 2009 and certainly after they were granted planning permission on 2 February 2017; Heathrow Airport needs to introduce full runway alternation urgently
- The levels of noise suffered by Windsorians are still up to 30X greater than the World Health Organisations recommended limits of 50Db. This has been shown to result in 20% increased risk of Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease; permanent, negative Cognitive impact on children including Reduced Educational Achievement; as well as sleep disturbances and a range of health problems including greater levels of Sickness, earlier Death, reduced work-related performance. These are serious and significant issues being put upon Windsorians and residents of Datchet and Holyport; Heathrow Airport needs to take every measure possible to Reduce Noise; Reduce the impact of noise and; investigate, report on and remediate the medical and other consequences of noise and disturbance suffered by residents; We would also encourage open, transparent conduct, action, reporting and the empowering of residents and local authorities to help Heathrow Airport meets its Duty of Care to those under its flightpaths.
What could Heathrow Airport do to safeguard residents?
I. Heathrow to immediately resubmit their lapsed planning consent to LB Hillingdon and plan for works to start within the 13-week statutory deadline for Councils – to allow aircraft to only fly over Windsor for 50% of the day during easterly operations – good weather days
II. Reduce the noise of aircraft overflights by changing operational parameters of aircraft during take-off and landing e.g. such as steeper glide angles on arrival/landing, more extensive use of the southern runway, lowering undercarriage later and after Windsor Castle.
III. Dramatically extend and improve the number of data collection and data points so we can better measure the amount of noise and where it is happening so we can tailor solutions
IV. Set noise measures and targets that are relevant to health and not use averaging ones that ignore the medical triggers
V. Better incentivise airlines to stop them from causing noise i.e. Heathrow to levy heavy fees and fines from airlines who cross Windsor between 11pm and 7am and, such fines to go to the Council for use in Windsor, or directly to Windsor, Datchet, or Holyport residents
VI. Better compensate residents and councils for inappropriately noisy operations – Heathrow to pay for good noise insulation and air conditioning for Windsor residents – we are in the 40C summer heat envelope for decades to come now
VII. Heathrow to allow scrutiny groups made up of councillors and residents to fine Heathrow where they do not make good progress on agreed issues with such money going to residents affected
You can explore our 7 key areas for improvement which comprise 32 suggestions, as well as our proposed submission at Heathrow Airport Noise Management Consultation ends 17 July 2023
Or click the image below

What can I say to Heathrow’s Noise Management Consultation?
Points you could make include;
- Heathrow to immediately resubmit their lapsed planning consent to LB Hillingdon and plan for works to start within the 13-week statutory deadline for Councils – to allow aircraft to only fly over Windsor for 50% of the day during easterly operations – good weather days
- Reduce the noise of aircraft overflights by changing operational parameters of aircraft during take-off and landing e.g. such as steeper glide angles on arrival/landing
- Dramatically extend and improve the number of data collection and data points so we can better measure the amount of noise and where it is happening so we can tailor solutions
- Set noise measures and targets that are relevant to health and not use averaging ones that ignore the medical triggers
- Better incentivise airlines to stop them from causing noise i.e. Heathrow to levy heavy fees and fines from airlines who cross Windsor between 11pm and 7am and, such fines to go to the Council for use in Windsor, or directly to Windsor, Datchet, or Holyport residents
- Better compensate residents and councils for inappropriately noisy operations – Heathrow to pay for good noise insulation and air conditioning for Windsor residents – we are in the 40C summer heat envelope for decades to come now
- Heathrow to allow scrutiny groups made up of councillors and residents to fine Heathrow where they do not make good progress on agreed issues with such money going to residents affected
How to have your say?
You can read a summary of Heathrow’s proposed Noise Management Plan 2024 – 2028 and download their 55-page plan and 48 pages of Supporting Annexes plus other content including a webinar video from https://www.heathrow.com/company/about-heathrow/consultation/heathrow-noise-action-plan-consultation/About-the-Noise-Action-Plan-2023-2028
The consultation runs until 23:55 on 17 July 2023 and you can submit your comments by
- emailing quieter@heathrow.com *1 or
- writing to FREEPOST Noise Action Plan *1 or
- online at https://www.heathrow.com/company/about-heathrow/consultation/heathrow-noise-action-plan-consultation/Have-your-say
*1 You can download a copy of the paper consultation form directly from Heathrow Airport at https://tinyurl.com/24v7dhuf
Click here to read a copy of the proposed Submission by Cllr. Wisdom & Carole Da Costa to help safeguard YOUR WELL BEING.
What to do if you are affected by noise disturbance by Heathrow aircraft.
“Aircraft noise complaints can be made to Heathrow via our online form at www.heathrow.com/noise, by email to noise@heathrow.com or by calling 0800 344844”
Heathrow are depending on you to let them know when you are disturbed. Please don’t let them down.
Accountably yours,
Carole AND Wisdom
Cllr. Carole Da Costa AND Cllr. Wisdom Da Costa
cllr.c.dacosta@rbwm.gov.uk AND cllr.dacosta@rbwm.gov.uk
West Windsor Residents Association
Clewer & Dedworth West