Have your say on more 20mph speed limits and upgraded town centre crossing

Have your say: Proposed extension of 20mph speed limit and upgraded crossing

RBWM would like residents’ views on two consultations it’s running for Windsor – one on a proposal to extend the 20mph speed limit for several streets in the town, and another for a proposed upgraded crossing.

Following a request from residents, it’s keen to hear views on the proposal to extend the 20mph speed limit in Stovell Road, Vansittart Road, Duke Street and part of Barry Avenue, to include Riverway up to the Arches. 

For more information and to respond, visit the RBWM Together webpage.

The second consultation is about a proposal to upgrade the crossing in St Leonards Road, near Bolton Road, from a zebra crossing to one with pedestrian controlled traffic lights.

Further details and to how to respond can also be found on the RBWM Together website.

You can also share your views by writing to the Traffic Safety Manager, Town Hall, St Ives Rd, SL6 1RF. Both consultations close on Sunday 16 July.