Don’t miss out on your vote

Electoral registration annual canvas: Ensure you’re registered to vote 

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s (RBWM) Electoral Services team has started the annual canvass, with emails and paper forms sent to residents across the Royal Borough until November.

The annual canvass determines which residents should be registered to vote at each address. This information is used to update the electoral register for 2024.  

Last weeh, RBWM sent emails to some residents who are already registered, asking them to go to and check the current information we hold for their household.

The emails came from

RBWM has started to send the paper forms to properties. Full details about what you need to do and how to respond will be included in the information you receive. 

 Where possible, RBWM encourages residents to confirm your details online using the information sent to residemts, rather than posting paper forms back to RBWM, as this is the quickest and easiest way to update the details for your household, and it’s more environmentally friendly too.

For more information, visit the RBWM website, call the RBWM customer services helpline on 01628 683868 or email