As COVID vaccinations arrive in our area, here is the latest update from RBWM’s Caroline Farrar as to when they will be available and, what to do. Stay safe people.
The government recently announced the approval of a COVID vaccinations for use in the UK.
RBWM’s Caroline Farrar today (10/12/20) issued this announcement, which we hope you will find useful. Click on the links and images to download copies of the leaflets.
Hands – Face – Space
Stay safe people.
Message from Caroline Farrar @RBWM
“We saw and heard from some amazing and inspiring people at the start of the week as the NHS began to roll out the Covid-19 vaccination programme from hospital sites across the country, and closer to home, at Wexham Park Hospital in Slough.
Next week the first local vaccination services will start, led by GPs, practice nurses and community pharmacists, with other services to follow over the coming weeks. Residents will be contacted directly by their GP with an invitation letter for their vaccine. This letter will include all the information they need, including their NHS number.
Please also see enclosed two leaflets regarding the Covid-19 Vaccination.”
COVID 19 Vaccination: A Guide For Adults – click here
Information about COVID Vaccine Supplies – click here
“By Monday we are expecting to hear exactly where these vaccination services will be held.
We know lots of people will be eager to get protected but we are asking people not to contact the NHS to get an appointment until they get their letter.
Your support in reiterating these key messages with your local population will be most appreciated:
- please don’t contact the NHS to seek a vaccine, we will contact you;
- when we do contact you, please attend your booked appointments;
- and please continue to follow all the guidance to control the virus and save lives.”
We hope you find this useful.
Accountably yours
Cllr Wisdom Da Costa

- This post is part of the WWRA Councillors regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as promised in their election leaflet
- It is also to comply with clause v of the Members Code of Conduct which states, “You must be as open as possible about your decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of your authority and should be prepared to give reasons for those decisions and actions.”
- The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).
- Any errors are unintentional so, I would value you bringing them to my intention so I can correct them. You can Email me