Our Vision for Windsor
The West Windsor Residents Association and its Councillors, Carole DA COSTA & Wisdom DA COSTA have a Vision for Windsor. A hope for a better you.
It’s a vision that will bring you dignity, prosperity, self worth, the hope of a vibrant future for our children and grandchildren.
What we lay down as foundations today will bring great benefits now and for decades to come.
Our Vision for Windsor is “Building a Better Windsor“.
NB This follows on from our work over the last 4 years Building Community in Windsor ad promised on the 2019 elections. We delivered for you as promised.
Election Themes
Building a Better Windsor is made up of four key themes;
- Greater Governance for Windsor
- Building Stronger Communities
- Increased Spending on Windsor
- Protecting our Environment
See below for more information.
Click here to download your personal copy of our Election Leaflet
Getting the job done
We have spent years working out how the Council works, how to manage the different systems in play, speaking to residents, and experiencing the problems first hand as Windsorians.
Based on this experience, wisdom and collaborations, we have
- Created a suite of policies which address the issues that are both Urgent for Windsorians and also Important for residents present and future
- Collaborated with other political groups and experts to ensure that together we can deliver these policies
But we need your support and involvement – that is the way that politics works in the UK.
Wisdom always says, “Democracy doesn’t end at the Ballot Box. It begins with your vote and continues with your involvement” to shape policy and action otherwise, self-interested people will do what they want to your harm.
So, we need your help.
Finally, getting the job done will require us to work with the next administration.
Here is our Vision for Windsor entitled, “Building a Better Windsor“

You have 2 votes. Don’t split the vote
Because the ward is highly contested, with former Conservative Party Councilors standing as apparent Independents, it is important that you use BOTH YOUR VOTES for Wisdom DA COSTA & Carole DA COSTA.
Other wise, the “Independent” vote will be divided across 5 candidates including two former Conservative Councillors.
This will let the Conservative Party Candidates win.
Keep it simple
Use both of your votes for DA COSTA and DA COSTA
Don’t split the vote.
Building a Better Windsor

Election Themes: Greater Governance for Windsor
Windsor has been ignored by the Maidenhead focused Council for the last 12 years with £Millions of Windsor developer contributions spent in “Maidenhead” and they have disposed of our two garden centres to generate funds to spend in other areas. The Conservatives have also reneged on promised to create a Windsor Town Council.
We propose that a Windsor Town Council is created as soon as is practicably possible, which could take 3 years.
Whilst we wait, we propose a transition of powers to the Windsor Town Forum to enable residents and Windsor only Councillors to help shape Windsor now and to help spend money on Windsor’s needs.
We propose that 100% of developer contributions is spent in Windsor i.e. All funds generated in Windsor are spent to improve the life of Windsor residents
We propose a Community Fund for Windsor Town Forum to enable community focused spending including a Windsor Residents Awards and an annual Summer Party.
Election Themes: Building Stronger Communities
12 years of underspending and hollowing out of the Council’s officers, including Community Wardens, has caused unnecessary suffering to Windsor residents, young, adult and old and, the lack of audit of contractors e.g. adult social care, street cleaning, road repairs etc…
This has been exacerbated by the trauma of COVID19 and now the Cost of Living Crisis.
To restore life and vitality to Windsor residents, young, adult and older, we propose to;
·Restore welfare checks and contract audits to ensure that residents are not being effectively abused and, that council tax payers get value for money.
·Seek an increase in the number of Community Wardens to help in their profound roles in community engagement, crime reduction, and the many high profile events in the Royal Borough
·Seek an increase in the enforcement teams for Planning, Building and external contracts to ensure planning rules are obeyed and money generated for the Council and services.

Election Themes: Increased Spending on Windsor
In addition to the increased spending powers of the Windsor Town Forum and the Windsor Town Council, we propose that £2m+ be spent on Windsor Walkways to enable people to walk safely from home to school to shops to the GP and back again.
·To include crossing points at the Willows, Tinkers Lane, Ruddles Way, Smiths Lane, Vale Road, Wolf Lane etc.
·To include upgraded pavements on Dedworth Road, Ruddlesway, Gallys Road, Smiths Lane, Vale Road and Tinkers Lane and easy access drop kerbs
Our public transport system is ineffective and unusable. Residents are rendered prisoners in their homes unable to to travel to visit shops. Some are unable to ditch their expensive, polluting cars and reduce their carbon footprint, or improve the local economy
We propose investing in bus services including a rerouting of the No. 16 to Wolf Lane, increase the frequency of No. 2 & No. 16 between Windsor, Slough & Maidenhead and, the introducing a Night Bus to bring home Windsor revellers.
We also propose to prioritise road repairs & renewal on Windsor roads.
Election Themes: Protecting our Environment
We face multiple environmental crises and guaranteed extreme weather that this Council is not tackling effectively. For example excess deaths from extreme heat, drought cold & flooding and to happen in ever increasing numbers.
We propose that all decisions taken and contracts issued must be provably Carbon neutral by including this decision making mandate in the Council’s Corporate Plan and in the Councils Planning Regulations.
We propose to safeguard from the impact of weather extremes by investing in climate resilient infrastructure, creating a fund to retrofit buildings, retaining and creating green assets, mandating this in the Council’s Corporate Plan and in the Councils Planning Regulations.
We propose to stave off Biodiversity extinction by updating the Corporate Plan and the Councils Planning Regulations to provably create habitat, improve urban greening and plant a net excess of trees of up to 10,000 in Windsor.
We propose to eliminate all single use plastics from the Councils activities and contracts.We propose business & citizens club to speed up change