Drowning Prevention Week (15 to 22 June) is one of the largest summer water safety campaigns across the UK and Ireland. The Borough is dedicating the next few months to its water safety campaign, ‘Be Water Aware this summer’. Even though the Royal Borough is landlocked, there is the River Thames, the Jubilee River as well as private lakes and smaller bodies of water. Nationally these are the locations where 60 percent of all accidental drownings occur. As well as open water in the borough, with many families going abroad and to UK coastlines for their summer holiday, understanding how to stay safe in the water lets everyone have a great time and come home safely. Over the summer months, the council will be highlighting what the dangers are if you get into open bodies of water, what RBWM is doing to make waterways safer, and how you can educate your children on water safety in our wonderful borough and on holiday. Keep an eye out on RBWM social channels and in the Residents’ Newsletter. You can get to know the Royal Life Saving Society’s Water Safety Code in this video. |