Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) fit for purpose? Continue reading Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) fit for purpose? Continue reading Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
Lots of useful local election information including a Polling Station Map, how to get free voter photo ID, policies, deadlines and much more. Continue reading WWRA 2023 Local Election News
Find out more about the WWRA Candidates, our policy proposals and, the HOPE we offer young and old alike Continue reading WWRA Candidates for Windsor Elections 4 May 2023
Windsor residents have concerns about how the Town is being run. We have packaged your comments into a series of WWRA Plans For Windsor. Continue reading What Windsor residents are talking about – WWRA Plans For Windsor
Windsor residents have low levels of confidence due to perceptions of a lack of enforcement.
The WWRA proposes to restore confidence, improve our environment and reduce damage Continue reading Residents’ concerns about planning and enforcement
Windsor’s poor pavements are inflicting immobility and ill health on residents. WWRA Councillors want Windsor to come alive for Windsorians. After working with senior RBWM officers, we are proposing that some of the £3.97m windfall budget be used to improve a network of pavements, install 9 crossings and amenable drop kerbs in two phases and, separately also increase enforcement and bus services Continue reading WWRA Windsor Walkways Proposal
Based on casework, WWRA Councillors are aware of failings in RBWM;s Adult Care. Our Budget proposals aim at improving Adult Care Quality and Value For Money for council tax payers Continue reading Improving Adult Care Quality and Value For Money for council tax payers
An increasing number of children and families in crisis which untreated can condemn our children to depression, poor education, poor job prospects, a life of poverty, sickness, addiction, early death and, a life dependent on the state.
The WWRA are proposing extra early intervention to help nip the problem in the bud. Continue reading Why bother with Extra Early Intervention for Children?
Initial feedback from RBWM on the 2023/24 Budget Consultation Process. What did people say? Did the Administration listen to residents?
Was the process problematic? Continue reading Cabinet to consider proposed amendments to budget
Local elections are happening in May 2023. RBWM are looking for 500 volunteers, aged 18 or over, who will be paid a fee. Find out more and help England’s Democratic Process flow. Continue reading Residents encouraged to work at upcoming RBWM elections
RBWM and AccessAble have teamed up to produce free Access Guides for Windsor to make it easier for disabled people and carers to access services and facilities Continue reading New access guides to support residents and visitors with access needs launched by Royal Borough and AccessAble
WWRA Councillor is influencing the investment policies of the Royal Berkshire Pension Fund for the benefit of members and the good of humanity. Continue reading How RBWM can manage the Royal Berkshire Pension Fund to positively benefit members and future generations