Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) fit for purpose? Continue reading Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) fit for purpose? Continue reading Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
The Corporate Plan is THE MOST IMPORTANT strategy document in the Council’s Constitution; It influences ALL the decisions that RBWM will make. But is the Council excluding residents through a fake consultation process? Are you being prevented from influencing the actions of your council? Continue reading RBWM Corporate Plan Consultation, or not?
If you are troubled by the noise of aircraft flying overhead, whether at night, in the early hours of the morning, or like a Chinese water torture every minute during the day, please complete the Consultation form for the Heathrow … Continue reading How and why you should respond to the Heathrow Airport Noise Management Plan
Aircraft noise is a blight for people living in Windsor & Datchet especially in recent months. Opportunity knocks. Find out how you can respond to Heathrow Airport Noise Management Consultation. It ends 17 July 2023 Continue reading Heathrow Airport Noise Management Consultation ends 17 July 2023
RBWM’s cabal proudly launched three new titanic projects on Thursday 29 April 2021. But these projects are destined to fail residents as they seem to deliberately ignore the perils ahead. Residents need to take action. Continue reading RBWM announce three Titanic Projects
In order to improve security, the Thames Valley Police and the Metropolitan Police Service are applying to restrict use of the airspace over Windsor up to 2,500ft within a 1.5 nautical mile radius around Windsor Castle. Continue reading Plans to RESTRICT the use of airspace over Windsor
Radical Government Planning Reforms are proposed which will govern what can be built and where and how, and facilitate topsy development present a great risk to future generations and climate change. Continue reading Radical Government Planning Reforms (relaxation) missing the elephant in the room
A recent RBWM letter paves the way to unnecessary building on our sacred and precious green belt not for Windsor needs but for Slough. In other words, plans to Pave Paradise in RBWM. Continue reading Plans to Pave Paradise in RBWM
Find out how local people are building a community that will last longer than the Coronavirus Crisis. With dear real life stories from Cllr Carole Da Costa Continue reading Building a community that will last longer than the Coronavirus Crisis
How to get your state pension if you are self-isolating. Please pass on to your elderly neighbours. Continue reading How to get your state pension if you are self-isolating
Coronavirus has us in lockdown, but what if West Windsor residents are alone and need help? Find out how Windsor is coming together against Coronavirus. Continue reading Windsor is Coming Together Against Coronavirus
7 April 2020, RBWM sadly reported the death of one of its officers. We sympathise deeply, and wish to pass on guidance to help you deal with bereavement and grief? Continue reading RBWM officer dies; how to deal with bereavement and grief