Here’s a gem for conspiracy theorists – 7:30am interviewed by the BBC on why and how we should say “no” to Heathrow, and how to get more information from the WWRA website – 9:00 am, the WWRA website is hacked, with a sinister message posted.
Was it just pure co-incidence, or is there something more sinister emerging?
Who dunnit?
So with the WWRA website hacked, the race is on to find out, who dunnit? Was it Heathrow? Was it one of the construction companies? Was it a Heathrow related group? Was it just pure co-incidence, or is there something more sinister emerging? Is big business running scared of PEOPLE POWER?
We may never know this side of heaven, but that won’t stop me fighting for ordinary folk, and trying my best to represent their interests. Come and join me. Come and join us at the WWRA.
Read Dan Whiteway’s article from the Observer – click here
Is big business running scared of PEOPLE POWER?
Thank you Quickstart
Well the good news is the amazing IT guys at Quickstart Digital have got our website up and running again. For now!
decide for yourself
So, what did I say that got someone so annoyed?
Listen to Andrew Peach interview fellow Windsorians James Falla, Stewart Conley-Harper, and then myself to decide for yourself.
BBC Radio Berkshire’s Andrew Peach interviews Windsor residents on the effects of aircraft noise on their families, and RBWM Councillor Wisdom Da Costa on the work of local residents associations to inform, advise, and empower people to have their say. With contributions from Windsorians James Falla, and Stewart Conley-Harper.
let’s take action before it’s too late
And there’s more
Now I know that not all people are effected by noise in the same way, but…
…I have so many stories from young families who struggle with the noise, fatigue, irritation, and impaired learning…
…stories from people new to the area, who now suffer from respiratory disseases, when previously they didn’t…
…stories from a local GP, who is shocked by the number of young people on sedatives, and sleeping pills, with mental health issues, caused by aircraft noise…
Come on people, let’s take action before it’s too late.
to inform, advise, and empower local residents

Find out how an extra runway could affect you
Find out more about why a Third Runway, or the Extended Heathrow Hub runway would be disastrous for people living around Heathrow. Sign up for a copy of our presentation at the Public Meetings to “inform, advise, and empower local residents” on 20 January 2015.
timely “can do” campaign information
Click here to sign up for more information delivered direct to your inbox.
Find out what the issues are, how to have your say, and who to write to – sign up for our email updates at https://www.westwindsorresidentsassociation.org.uk/subscribe – we will send you timely “can do” campaign information.
Let’s put people above party politics, and…BIG BUSINESS.
Come and join us
Well that was one heck of a week.
Come and join us fighting for people – let’s put residents first.
Let’s put people above party politics, and the selfish interests of BIG BUSINESS.
Please share this article as far and wide as you can.
Have a peaceful day.
Cllr Wisdom Da Costa
Chairman, WWRA
Councillor, Clewer North, Windsor
The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the WWRA