Joining us at our 2017 AGM will be our AGM guest speakers who are also local representatives from the Emergency Services including Sergeant Jemma Calver, DS David Ireland and, last but by no means least Fire Officer Sean Keeley, Station Manager at Slough (covering Windsor). Come along. Join in and help us make Windsor a better place for all. ↓↓↓More below↓↓↓
email your questions by Sunday 26 March 2017 to
What would you like to ask out about Policing and Fire defence and protection in West Windsor?
Our erstwhile guests will give us an update on local issues, plans for future services and helpful safety advice.
They will also field your questions so, come along, join in and, have your questions ready – email your questions to me by Sunday 26 March 2017 to
More about our AGM guest speakers

Sergeant Jemma Calver, Thames Valley Police
Sergeant Calver is a Neighbourhood Sergeant for Windsor West and has been in this role for 18 months. She is responsible for a team of Police Community Support Officers and Police Constables that work on the area tackling local priorities and ongoing reported issues.
Prior to this role she was a patrol Sergeant in Windsor for 4 years, and her previous service as a Police Constable was working in and around High Wycombe where she was a Constable for 5 years.
Detective Sergeant David Ireland, Thames Valley Police CID
More information to follow

Inspector Louise Warbrick
Inspector Warbrick is the Community is the Engagement Inspector for the area responsible for a team of Sergeants, Police Constables and PCSOS across Windsor and Maidenhead who work with the community to tackle local issues and build community groups.
The hot topics
- Sergeant Calver will be giving us an overall update on local crime and NH activities within the area
- DS Ireland is going to give an update of our Op London week of action.

Fire Officer Sean Keeley, Station Manager Slough, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service
Sean has been the Station Commander at Slough for over eight years.
He started his career with Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service in 1983 and moved to RBFRS in 1987. Since then he has worked at stations throughout the county as a firefighter, Crew Manager and Watch Manager.
His first station command was in 2001 at Bracknell. After three years there, Sean moved to fire safety inspection work before returning to station command at Slough. Sean attends numerous incidents with crews from Slough, Langley, Windsor and Maidenhead as a Level 2 Response Officer and Fire Investigation Officer.
Sean will explain how Windsor is covered at the moment and new response times to certain types of incidents. He will also introduce us to the new mobilising system and tell us how the Thames Valley Fire Control send fire appliances into the Windsor area.
Come to the AGM: Join in and help us make Windsor a better place for all
Click here to find out more about our 2017 AGM
Click here to find out more about the WWRA
Click here to find out how to join the WWRA
Click here to find out about the by-election in the area on 4 May 2017