Worrying issues about the Council’s approach to the Borough Local Plan

The WWRA recognizes the need for suitable, extra, housing in the area that enhances the quality of life of new and existing residents and, we would welcome proposals that are appropriately framed and deliberately created to integrate with upgraded and adequate infrastructure provision.

However, recent meetings about the Borough Local Plan left many questions unanswered and, raised more concerns about the way the Council handled issues for example, Cllr D Wilson (Planning) & Cllr S Dudley (Leader) gave a “politicians NO” when reasonably asked whether they would

  • Extend the deadline for responses (especially as the consultation period fell over the Christmas holidays when many people are away) and, the deadline is very near on Friday 13th January 2017 at 5pm
  • Protect the Garden Centres for us by designating them each as a Community Facility, to prevent house building on them and protect their availability to residents and children alike
  • Invest in Council Housing to allow our children and grandchildren to live in the area as, they are unlikely to afford to buy with prices as they are now, or as property prices continue to increase

The Council have not made it easy for you

What is clear is that the Council have not made it easy for you to respond effectively to their plans nor, have they gone out of their way to help you appreciate the magnitude of the proposals and how they will affect you, your children and, your grandchildren.

Missed opportunities

Also, there is an argument that the Council have not undertaken their responsibilities correctly with the BLP in as much as many more studies should have been undertaken e.g. “social” needs assessments, investigating compulsory purchase orders (CPO) with the Crown Estate, identifying alternative sites for CPOs

Playing Russian roulette with our future?

The possible consequence of this this is that the Secretary of State for the Environment could assume responsibility from RBWM in this area, which would exclude the influence of local people. That might be regarded as very convenient for our Council, but could prove detrimental to the needs of ordinary residents.


PS Has anyone seen or heard from our either of our two local MPs on these issues? Adam, and Prime Minister, if you’re reading, get in touch please 😉


WWRA Helping local residents

However, the WWRA want to help you so, we have prepared for you a quick guide you to help you have your say and protect our futureclick here to find out more


Let’s go onwards and upwards into 2017 dear folk.


Wisdom Da Costa

Former Councillor for Clewer North


  • The views and tone expressed in this blog may not be endorsed by the WWRA
  • This initial draft post may change with editing