Blog: Wisdom wins and the work begins

It’s been two weeks since Wisdom Da Costa won the thrilling by-election in Clewer North, Windsor on 4th May 2017. Find out how your Independent Councillor has started to deliver on his by-election manifesto, in the first of his regular blogs, reporting to you.

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The key objective is serving you

A healthy opposition can, if allowed to, add considerable value to and enhance the decisions of whichever group is in control at the town hall and, that is my raison d’etre, to add value whatever I do.

But, with just a single Independent in Windsor, and just three non-Conservative’s in the whole of the Royal Borough (out of 57 Councillors), together we will need to work hard, get smart, become organised and, with your help, get creative if we are to start to get pragmatic, resident-centred decision making that we deserve.

If you want to help improve Windsor for all, email me or

The more people who help, the more we will get done. Join me. Join us. Let’s make Windsor better for all.


Planning to succeed for you

The work begins. My first day on the job included a long meeting with Cllr Lynne Jones (OWRA), leader of the opposition, to work out how we will collaborate (with Cllrs Malcolm Beer (OWRA) and Simon Werner (LibDem)) to, between us, not only try and cover as many of the key areas but, in particular, to represent our residents’ interests.

My key skill sets include finance, tax, and community work and, we four have our own specific areas of expertise. But the areas the Council is responsible for is extensive so, if you have a particular area of expertise, and you want to help, email me or


Plans to conquer a mountain

For my part, I will;

  1. Focus on a number of areas as designated “Council responsibilities”,
  2. On “other key areas”, work with like-minded people and groups to help ensure that the needs and views of residents in Clewer North are presented
  3. Respond to “residents (your) requests for help” and, many have already started to come in,
  4. Keep my promises to you” and, start work on planning the delivery of my “manifesto” commitments – click here for more information
  5. Help you, help me” by working with like minded people, like you, in wider networks. So get involved.


Specific Council responsibilities

My Council responsibilities will focus on;

  1. Audit and Performance Review Panel,
  2. Windsor Urban Development Management Panel,
  3. Adult Services and Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel and,
  4. Windsor Town Forum plus
  5. Representing the RBWM in other areas as required


Work begins to achieve for residents

Keeping an eye on “other key areas” for you

I will also maintain in Aviation (i.e. Heathrow), Highways, Transport and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel and, the Local Plan with the unstinting and generous help of the members of the West Windsor Residents Association, who selflessly work to help local residents and Windsorians using their impressive array of skill sets and expertise which include Aviation, Planning and Highways experts.


Responding to residents (your) requests for help

The Conservative group have abolished political assistants so, as I will be working in Clewer North on my own, I would appreciate your help, patience and, reminder prompts.

I have already received 10 requests and, will take some time to find out who in the Council can help. However, there is view that the Conservative Council have cut staff numbers and sold off services to such an extent that the service is breaking down in areas.

This is were your vote and voice count. Get involved.


Keeping my promises to you

As promised;

  1. I have started reporting back to you with this, the first of a regular blog keeping you up to date with what I am doing for you and, exposing nasties when Conservative Councillors refuse to help or listen
  2. I will shortly announce a series of public surgeries at locations near you, to help you, help me, help you. Watch out for more information on the WWRA website, Facebook page, Newsletter and, other leaflets
  3. I have started training and research to help me professionally fulfil by duties as Councillor – as noted above in “Specific Council responsibilities” – this week Planning Training.
  4. I have arranged a meeting with Highways officers to set out the a list of pavements and roads that need repairs – I will report back shortly
  5. I have started reviewing planning applications in the area on a weekly basis, with WWRA committee members – we will act quickly where there is cause for concern


Help me, help you

Together we can achieve and, we will achieve much but, as a single non-Conservative Windsor Councillor, I will need your patience as I take time to get up to full speed and, your help to get more change on more areas.

A great way you can help is by joining and volunteering with the West Windsor Residents Association. To get involved, email Sara McDonnell for more information on

Click here to join now, for less than the price of a cup of coffee

My week ahead

On a steep learning curve, my week or two ahead will include;

  1. Fact finding meetings with senior officers,
  2. Council meetings
  3. Working with Cllrs Jones, Beer & Werner, in particular, to ensure an Independent view is taken of as many of the
  4. Drafting my own personal response to the latest Third Runway consultation – Click here for our empowering “How to?” article, “Third runway at Heathrow guide – it’s not too late


Accountably yours,

Wisdom Da Costa

Independent Councillor, Clewer North, Windsor



The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA)