At a critical time in the Heathrow debate, Windsor’s MP and Conservative led Council seem to have gone silent. Why is that?
We are rapidly approaching the time when critical recommendations will be made by the Davies Commission regarding the best method of allowing an expanse of flight activity in the South East of England. Two possibilities allow additional runway capacity at Heathrow.
- One is to build a new runway to the northwest of the current North Runway.
- The other is to extend the current North Runway to the west.

The consequences for Windsor & Eton residents
In each case it will result in aircraft, taking off or landing over Windsor and Eton, being much lower than would otherwise be the case. It would also have an adverse impact on the ability to alternate the use of runways thus reducing the possibility of respite periods from noise disturbance for residents living beneath the flight paths.
M.P.’s and experts take action?
A group of M.P.s and other experts, concerned about Heathrow expansion, have formed a forum to specifically address noise concerns, but incredibly our own M.P. Adam Afriyie appears not to be involved. Thus, those residents to the west of the airport, who will be most affected by such runway development, have no direct representation on this forum. Why is that?
The effect of expansion on local housing, health services, and traffic
Another major concern is the impact of Heathrow expansion on housing and service needs, such as schools and road transport, on the boroughs, including RBWM, surrounding Heathrow. Incredibly no study appears yet to have been done to assess that impact. Such a “ head in the sand” attitude by our Conservative Council to such concerns shows a lack of urgency in properly protecting the interests of residents.
Heathrow consults?
Heathrow will soon be conducting another survey relating to its expansion plans. Residents responding to that survey will have to do so with little more than slanted advice from Heathrow to rely on and are unlikely to be able to access sufficient information to form a balanced opinion.
What are our M.P.’s and Council doing?
It is therefore essential that our Council and our M.P. should be persuaded to act with urgency on this matter!
Wisdom Da Costa