Sutherland Grange Civic Amenity Site trial suspension

Overuse and fly tipping at the Civic Amenity Site at the Sutherland Grange Nature Reserve is becoming increasingly problematic and an eyesore. RBWM officers and local councillors are to trial a temporary suspension in the coming months.

bins at sutherland grange



By removing the Civic Amenity facility at Sutherland Grange we can reduce the risk of pollution to the nature reserve at Sutherland Grange and the River Thames ecosystem, reduce the risk of injury to residents and dogs, reduce the unsightliness and annoyance of antisocial tipping and, reduce the costs to the Borough by up to £13,000 per anum.

Alternative facilities, including kerbside collections, webservices and the Stafferton Way CA sites will be publicized to residents at Sutherland Grange and through media channels.

Once the trial is being conducted that residents feedback will be advised via the “compliments, concerns and feedback” page, which will be advertised.

The final decision will be widely notified to residents via Council and Councillors.

See below for full details and trial economics



Problems caused by overuse and fly tipping at Sutherland Grange Civic Amenity Site

Since it’s relocation from the more practical Tinkers Lane depot, the Sutherland Grange Civic Amenity site has grown in “popularity” and increasingly is overused and also abused by tippers which results in an unsightly mess, pollution of the nature reserve and the River Thames ecosystem and food chain with plastics, exposing residents and animals to dangerous materials and, fly tipping of oversize goods all of which unnecessarily costs the Borough and so residents thousands of pounds in clean up and waste disposal costs.

  • The facility comprises Blue Bins (RBWM control) and Textile Bins (Third Party) in the East End of the Car Park of the Sutherland Grange Nature Reserve.
  • Inappropriately dumped items include fridges, freezers, sofas, garden furniture, polymer granules, circular saw blades, car parts, garden furniture including slides and swings, electrical goods, broken bean bags, toilets, cupboards etc..
  • This is costing us £2,000 in extra collection costs and up to £10,000 for extra waste disposal costs though, some of this will still be our responsibility if disposed off via Stafferton Way.


The Alternative Services Available to residents

The frustrating thing is that all of these items can be correctly and safely disposed of today at the Stafferton Way Civic Amenity Site (free) and using RBWM collection of large items website page (at minimal cost). 

Also most of the waste streams (plastics, domestic waste, textiles) are currently collected from residents in the weekly bin collection and, small electrical appliances will be collected from the kerbside with the bin collections from October 2019.

In other words, there is absolutely no reason for the poor behavior which is costing us more than £10,000 pounds, is polluting the nearby nature reserve and the River Thames ecosystem and, is creating an unsightly mess in a highly visible area of Windsor.

Link to RBWM collection of large items website page

Experiences from elsewhere in the Borough

Where such overused and abused facilities have been removed at other sites around the Borough that the problem, disappears after a few weeks so, your team would support such a proposal to the Lead Members for Environment and Communities.


The proposed solution

Local Councillors have discussed the persistent situation with residents and Cllr Davey has proposed that the site be temporarily removed temporarily to allow and the facility reviewed by Council and residents.


Details of the trial

As a trial, all the facilities will be removed for a period of three months and replacement signage put up to direct waste disposers to the the appropriate alternative facility.

Residents will be encouraged to feed back their reflections of the trial using the reference SutherlandGrange;

  1. Using the feed back forms at or
  2. In writing to Waste Strategy Manager, RBWM, Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1RF

The proposed outcome will be reported by Council and Councillors to residents before final implementation.


Trial solution economics

The following costs are associated with the trial, and final implementation

  • Extra £300 to decommission the site
  • Extra £300 to recommission the site should that be desired
  • Reduction in extra fly tipping waste collection £2,000 per anum
  • Reduction in waste disposal costs of up to £10,000 per anum if all waste then becomes chargeable commercial waste or is disposed of outside RBWM
  • Opportunity gain to waste contractors who will have less to do on the base contract at this facility

Accountably yours,

Cllr Wisdom Da Costa,

WWRA, Clewer & Dedworth West,



  • This post is part of the WWRA Councillors regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as promised in their election leaflet
  • It is also to comply with clause v of the Members Code of Conduct which states, “You must be as open as possible about your decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of your authority and should be prepared to give reasons for those decisions and actions.”
  • The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).
  • Any errors are unintentional so, I would value you bringing them to my intention so I can correct them. You can Email me