Pupils from Trevelyan Middle School and Oldfield Primary School, led by 16-year-old Phoebe Ibison star in a video on Recycling in RBWM. Watch the video. It’s great.
Pupils from Trevelyan Middle School and Oldfield Primary School, led by 16-year-old Phoebe Ibison, got together under the guidance of Cllrs Donna Stimson and Wisdom Da Costa, to star in a video on Recycling in RBWM.

The project with the brainchild of 16-year-old Phoebe Ibison from The Marist School in Ascot who teamed up with RBWM Climate Panel Councillors Donna Stimson and Wisdom Da Costa, to help empower our young people to speak up and have their voice heard.
Phoebe said, “I am incredibly proud to have participated in producing the video. Recycling is key for the RBWM’s goal to reach carbon neutral by 2050, if not sooner. Educating both children and adults alike on what can go in each bin is important for tackling how much waste the community produces and ensuring that our children grow up to be environmentally-conscious adults.”
Cllr Wisdom Da Costa said, “I have been very proud to be able to support the work of Phoebe and pupils from Oldfield Primary school and Trevelyan Middle School by helping them present their story and their heart.”
“Recycling is a core strand in helping us reduce our carbon footprint and to stop overusing natural resources.”
More quotes below from the teachers and schools involved.
Click to watch the video
Richard Jarrett, Headteacher at Oldfield Primary School said, “It is fantastic to see young people involved in such an important issue as waste recycling. Their message is very powerful and hopefully it will have a real impact with all of the community.”
Martin Hooper, who helped coordinate the video said, “at Trevelyan Middle School we feel very proud and privileged to have been able to contribute to the production of this video. We strongly promote the values of social responsibility and forward thinking and there is no better way of demonstrating these values than through us all doing our bit to protect our planet through reducing, reusing and recycling waste in order to help preserve our amazing planet for future generations to enjoy.”
Mark Pritchard, Headteacher at Trevelyan Middle School said, “It is so good to see the council taking the climate and environment issue so seriously as I completely agree that it is the biggest issue we currently face. We would be very eager, as a school, to help out in any way we can with any future projects.”
More information
For more informationon Recycling in RBWM, go to https://www.rbwm.gov.uk/home/environment-and-waste/recycling-and-rubbish
I hope you found this useful.
Accountably yours,
- This post is part of the WWRA and its Councillors regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as promised in their election leaflet
- It is also to comply with clause v of the Members Code of Conduct which states, “You must be as open as possible about your decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of your authority and should be prepared to give reasons for those decisions and actions.”
- The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).
- Any errors are unintentional so, I would value you bringing them to my intention so I can correct them. You can Email me cllr.dacosta@rbwm.gov.uk