Plans to Pave Paradise in RBWM

A recent RBWM letter paves the way to unnecessary building on our sacred and precious green belt not for Windsor needs but for Slough. In other words, plans to Pave Paradise in RBWM.

In a letter dated 5 August 2020 to Louise Phillips, who is examining the Borough Local Plan, RBWM indicated their desire to continue to  release (build on) green belt land in the Royal Borough despite it not being needed for the needs of residents.  Instead, RBWM stated their continued plan to build on green belt land to satisfy the needs of Slough Borough Council and residents from the far future.


What the letter says

Here’s an extract from the letter.

Extract from letter dated 5 August 2020 to BLP Inspector, Louise Phillips

Click here to download the complete submission


we agree we don’t need to release greenbelt anymore, but we want to anyway

What the letter means

As part of a submission dated 5 August to Mrs Phillips, the Inspector examining the controversial RBWM Borough Local Plan, RBWM have conceded the point that the housing needs of Windsor & Maidenhead do not necessitate the use of greenbelt land
However, it continues in its proposition to build on the lungs of our community citing as its justification;
  1. “the proposed greenbelt releases would assist in addressing p136 of the NPPF 2019” i.e. we want to allow development based on potential future need and not our current need or legally required need;
  2.  “the planned housing (including the proposed greenbelt releases) could contribute to the needs of Slough Borough” i.e.  the needs of Slough Borough Council

Does the administration not  review  critical evidence to a quasi-judicial process?

What they said

You do wonder why RBWM would risk the health and well-being of the residents of Windsor, Holyport, Bray, and the Royal Borough to whom they owe a primary duty of care in order to satisfy an unnecessary lust for development.
And you certainly wonder about the decision-making process that arrived at this statement.
In a response that beggars belief, BLP promoter and long time Conservative Lead Member for Planning, Cllr David Coppinger stated to the Advertiser group, “There is absolutely no intent that if there were any additional housing it would be used for Slough” – does that indicate an intent to mislead the Inspector Louise Phillips?
He went on to say, “Had I read the document those words would not have been there” – Does the administration not  review  critical evidence to a quasi-judicial process?
Extract from Windsor Express dated 18 September 2020
RBWM seeks to pave a Windsor paradise to put up a Slough parking lot

Implications for Windsor, Holyport,  Climate Change, Bray and, Biodiversity Loss

The proposal, should it be accepted by the Inspector of the Borough Local Plan, could also prevent RBWM from achieving its Environment & Climate Change obligations which would further threaten future generations. For example, it would result in
  • Increasing carbon emissions from building and occupancy,
  • Increasing carbon emissions from the building process and that locked into the earth
  • Increasing local air pollution
  • Destroying habitat and local biodiversity
  • Decreasing the Climate Change Resilience capacity of the land locally e.g. surface water and flooding
To paraphrase Joni Mitchel, it is unacceptable that RBWM seeks to pave a Windsor paradise to put up a Slough parking lot.
WWRA and its Councillors oppose this.
join me in opposing these instances of poor administration

Onwards and upwards together

You might enjoys this video to comfort you. If not, join me in opposing these instances of poor administration.


Accountably yours


Cllr Wisdom Da Costa



  • This post is part of the WWRA Councillors regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as promised in their election leaflet
  • It is also to comply with clause v of the Members Code of Conduct which states, “You must be as open as possible about your decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of your authority and should be prepared to give reasons for those decisions and actions.”
  • The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).
  • Any errors are unintentional so, I would value you bringing them to my intention so I can correct them. You can Email me