Wisdom reporting back to residents on progress in tackling issues at the Clewer Memorial Recreational Ground. Piracy in Dedworth?!
Who wouldn’t want to be Cap’n Jack Sparra’?
The Pirate Park at the Clewer Recreational Ground in Dedworth is one of the finest play areas of its type in the region which attracts people from outside Windsor as well as us locals; I often take my 2 year old grandson to the play area. Yes, OK, I am a big kid as well. Who wouldn’t want to be Cap’n Jack Sparra’?
However, its not just the heavy use that can take its toll on our facilities. There is also needless, aimless, and sinister vandalism that affects this glorious facility. Piracy in Dedworth? Yes, I am afraid so.
Tackling piracy in Windsor
A number of our youngsters have been injured at the park recently so, spurred on by your needs, I recently met with the Outdoors Facility Manager and the Parks and Countryside Team Leader to review what is happening and, to make some suggestions as to what can be practicably done by the Council and you and I to maximize our kids fun.
We can all take some responsibility to enhance our town and community

Together we can…
We can all take some responsibility to enhance our town and community;
- Parents; be vigilant and report ALL incidents; see contact numbers on signs on the gates
- Councillors; make ourselves available to contact and encourage the Council to act and be seen to be acting
- RBWM (especially Council leaders) listen and focus resource and funding on residents needs
Do you agree with this list?
Wisdom’s meeting with RBWM Staff
Here’s what I learned from the Outdoors Facility Manager and the Parks and Countryside Team Leader and, what I suggested (in red)
I will report back soon.
How is the park cared for?
There is a programmed series of inspections and reviews are that occour on the following basis;
- Daily visual inspection by ISS to identify obvious problems and rectify them.
- However, a visual inspection will not pick up key risks such as if screws and fixings are loosened by “vandals”
- RBWM relies on the public to test and report these
- ***I am not sure that this is an acceptable mitigation of risk
- Monthly full technical inspection by RSS which tests the equipment and, is also designed to identify all flaws whether physical or just visual
- RSS will then initiate isolate and shield off offending items until repairs are complete
- However, it can take months to get the non-standard parts to conduct repairs.
- ***Will faulty items be removed or taken out of service until the repairs are complete?
- RSS do not test the equipment once repaired.
- ***Can we ensure that all piece of equipment are tested once repaired?
- Annual play strategy report conducted by XXXXXXX (RBWM to advise who?) to review the facility design in view of current best practice or new regulations
- ***Can I have a copy of the last two reports please?
- Annual full service and maintenance if done in January by YYYYYY (RBWM to advise who?)
Dealing with incidents
- There are direct telephone numbers on all gates
- Many of these signs are not glaringly obvious (for a busy parent) i.e. colourful or light reflective and, they do not contain email addresses
- ***Can we produce new, larger, clearer, brighter signs please?
- When a member of the public reports pieces of equipment are they brought back into service without a review, test, necessary remediation and feedback to the reporting member of the public?
- We should encourage and affirm members of the public taking time to responsibly report issues.
- ***Can you confirm whether incidents are recorded as risks on a register and/or whether there is a record of the initial alert from residents together with any and, all follow up action taken?
- When a piece of equipment is repaired, it is not tested by the contractors.
- Can we make sure that all equipment is tested after repair and before an item is put back into service?
Recently reported incidents
- Plastic tunnels
- I understand that these have been repaired and filed
- ***Can you make sure that someone tests the equipment?
- Chain and bucket
- I understand that this is a specific design feature and, that the reporting resident has been accordingly advised
- In other parks, Council’s often put a photo of what the piece of equipment should look like to help the public self diagnose before reporting. ***Might this be worth considering on this piece of equipment?
- Zip wire
- I understand that the bottom two foot grip battons, which look rather worn, will be replaced.
- ***Please advise when they will be replaced.
- Large swing
- I understand that one of the axial wires which hold in the seat construction needs some repairs
- ***Please advise when this will be repaired
- Large roundabout
- I understand that this now has a full range of rotation
- ***Can you advise whether any action was taken to get to this stage or, whether it was either a self rectifying glitch or a perception issue?
- ***To avoid perception issues, perhaps we can invite the member of the reporting resident to test it in our presence?
So, there is much for us all to be aware of and, lots for the Council to do.
My thanks to RBWM staff, and their contractors, for attending to these issues – you know who you are 😉
I will report back to you soon.
Accountably yours,
Independent Councillor, Wisdom Da Costa, Clewer North
This post is part of Cllr Wisdom Da Costa’s regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as he promised in his election leaflet
The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).