First Buses recently announced the cancellation of many important Windsor serving routes. What did Wisdom get the Council to promise? Have they delivered? Part 3 of 4 blog series.

Lost bus services in Windsor?
First Buses recently unexpectedly announced the cancellation of some key Windsor serving routes. Services which bring people together, which help others get to and from work to earn a living, enable residents to access much needed medical and other services, help students to schools and colleges to build a better future for themselves.
My mail box has been full of messages of concern from residents across the age spectrum fearing the loss of services which they and their loved ones depend upon
At the same time, RBWM has grand property development schemes which include high density housing in our towns so, given this and its duty to plan, prepare and deliver necessary, and ideally future-proof, infrastructure, I would have expected RBWM to rationalize and subsidise many of these services, facilitating an integrated transportation network to enable mobility and accessibility for all, and to reduce pollution locally.
Other blogs in this series
Click here to read part 1 of this 4 part series entitled, “Issues facing Windsor – Intro – Blog”
Click here to read part 2 of this 4 part series entitled, “Homelessness in Windsor”
Click here to read part 3 of this 4 part series entitled, “Lost bus services in Windsor?”
Click here to read part 4 of this 4 part series entitled, “Concerns about Universal Credit’s roll out in May 2018”
Questioning the Council
As a minority Councillor, I therefore challenged the Council to consider and respond to these issues with two questions.
Here’s what was promised by Cllr Philip Bicknell, Deputy leader, Lead member for Highways, Transport, Environment & Windsor;
- RBWM to approach alternative service providers to re-instate the services
- A report to review the services to be delivered based on an analysis of demand
- To make “every effort to continue with the services so residents don’t suffer in any way”
- The report and solutions to be published before Christmas (2017)
As yet no report has been produced and, I have yet to hear from the Lead Member, Cllr Bicknell.
[color-box] Click here to read the questions and the responses in detail.[/color-box]

So what next?
I have emailed Chief executive Alison Alexander today to ask for an update on the promises made in Council, and late report.
I would also urge you to
- Email Cllr Bicknell and Alison Alexander directly to make you feelings know and
- Copy me in
- Sign Norma Woods’ petition by 18 January 2018 at
Let’s keep working together to put people first; justice and democracy for all.
Accountably yours,
WWRA Councillor, Wisdom Da Costa, Clewer North, Windsor
This post is part of Cllr Wisdom Da Costa’s regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as he promised in his election leaflet
The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).