Wisdom presents the latest travel update and information on bus services 2, 10, and 15/15a. Includes maps, routes and, other valuable information, hoping for a win:win for residents and Courtney
Following negotiation with RBWM, Courtney buses recently announced their takeover of routes 2, 10 and 15/15A, after First Buses announced the termination of their involvement.
In the first of an ongoing update, here is some valuable information on the new routes;
- Resident focused service evolution: how we might be able to tailor such routes to achieve a win:win situation for the needs of both residents and the commercial bus operator.
- Tell me what you think
- Costs
- Timetables to download
- Service Maps
Courtney buses have come to the rescue to help retrieve part of the services dropped by First Buses; thank you Courtney.
However, the replacement services are flawed but, there is scope for them to be changed to suit the needs of residents and the town, subject to;
- Residents using the service
- Residents and Courtney engaging to shape a better service
- RBWM helping in the process with considered subsidies
A successfully set of routes will serve residents, enabling prosperity for the town, generating income and profits for Courtney and their staff and, help RBWM facilitate and achieve planning objectives.
Conclusion. Let’s use the services and work together to make this a better town for all.
Wouldn’t it be great if…
Wouldn’t it be great if we residents could team up with Courtney (bus operator) and design routes that worked practically for residents and, commercially for the bus operator, perhaps with a little help from the Council, as it fits in with mobility, economy, environmental, and well being aspirations?
Soon after the termination of the First Bus services were announced, I pushed the issue with Cllr Phil Bicknell and RBWM at the Council meeting on 12 December 2017 – see my article, “Lost bus services in Windsor? – Blog”
Sadly, my requests for myself and residents to be involved or consulted fell on deaf ears.
Never-the-less, spurred on by the inimitable Norma Wood (Dedworth resident) I began a dialogue directly with Courtney. Here’s the latest on my discussions with Courtney.
Timetables and maps below
Resident focused service evolution
Based on comments from a range of residents, what has been proposed (see below) has a number of flaws with regard to
- Routes (areas served i.e. bus stops)
- Frequency during commuting hours
- Hours of operation, for the requirements of our 24/7 society
So, to benefit residents, and the local economy, I asked when issues noted above could be addressed. Here’s what Simon Fisher, from Courtney, said;
“We recognize that we are not quite as frequent, but between Dedworth & Windsor we are as good if not better when combined with 10 at peak times“
“We are missing Wolf Lane/Foster Avenue which already is served by 16/16A and W1. We are reverting to the old route 2 as it was about 12 months ago, all stops will be served,“
“We are having a review meeting end of Feb to take on board initial comments and see what can be done to try to encompass the wish list“
“We need a reasonable time for things to settle, and be able to take in comments widely, but as I said they will be reviewed fairly soon. Happy for you to send me any feedback you have.“
“Yes that is correct, we need to see what the take up is. Clearly if it made a profit, First would still run.“
Interestingly, he also said that, “The service 2 is NOT being supported by RBWM, only service 10. (and 15)“.
Now this raises interesting questions about the role of RBWM, and by definition, what is best for the Town, don’t you think?
Tell me what you think
Note: Would you like RBWM to also support the No 2 Service to enable a frequency of service, at key times, and route and stops that serve students, workers, and other users? After all, this would also achieve so many other things for residents and RBWM including;
- Reduction in traffic and traffic pollution
- Connecting workers and students to employment and learning
- Connecting areas to stimulate economic vibrancy, education choice and physical and mental well being
Tell me what you think
We got to talking about prices, profits, ticket types and, RBWM subsidies and, Simon commented,
“Prices for the route will be no more than currently being charged.“
“We (Courtney) will also be offering a weekly ticket for unlimited travel between Dedworth or Eton Wick and Slough for £17.00, much cheaper than the current operator.”
“We have reduced the cost of the weekly ticket to Slough by £4 to £17, though this is the cost for the Windsor area aslo which is up from £15.“
“That said, with options of 16/16A, 10 and 2 there is now more frequent service overall from Dedworth.“
So, here is the detail of what is on the table at the moment.
Courtney Bus representative said, “The operating hours of service 10 is from 0400 until midnight, 7 days per week. There is not much scope to extend this further. The actual timetable will be reviewed after a couple of months when we have received feedback.” – see “Tell Me What you Think” above and “So What next?” below
Click to download the timetables;
Information supplied by Courtney Buses
Service Maps
Information from Traveline Southeast. Courtney produced maps to follow shortly
Click on the map to download
Route 2

Route 10

Route 15/15A

So what next?
- Talk to others and, tell me what you think – email me dacosta@rbwm.gov.uk
- I will keep you informed so, look out for a further travel update on this site and, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CllrWisdomDaCosta
Accountably yours,
WWRA Councillor, Wisdom Da Costa, Clewer North, Windsor
- Stephen Fisher from Courtney Buses
- Travelinesoutheast.org.uk
- Openstreetmap
This post is part of Cllr Wisdom Da Costa’s regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as he promised in his election leaflet
The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).