Serving you as an RBWM Councillor is hard work, but I am passionate about community, helping you, and helping residents help each other.
I want to help bring people to life
I have been so busy that I have not had a chance to write for two weeks. My apologies.
So here’s the good news. In the next two weeks I will bring you up to date on the many issues bubbling under the surface in our amazing town, and how your Independent Councillors, and many others, are trying to keep Windsor wonderful.
The amazing work of Family Friends in Windsor
Today I want to tell you about Family Friends, and the life bringing work they do in Windsor.
Actually, I’ll let your fellow residents tell you about Family Friends – watch this video.
You can visit their website at http://family-friends.org.uk

Bringing life to people in West Windsor
Each year Councillors distribute £750 to a local charities of their choice. When I was elected to replace the sadly missed Cynthia Endacott I decided to choose three local charities which I knew Cynthia would have also supported. One of these charities is Family Friends.
Family Friends provides support to local children and families who are facing difficulties in their life.
I love the work of Family Friends, especially the way that they reach out, support, and empower local families to do better, and believe in themselves.
I want to help bring life to people in West Windsor, and Family friends does just that. I was amazed to discover that Family Friends supports around 200 families each year in Windsor and their service is free.

Catherine Burns, Head of Services at Family Friends says “I started with Family Friends just last month having previously worked in the charity sector with children, young people and families.”
“I’m thrilled to be working with such a dedicated, highly skilled and friendly team.”
Life is a Journey
“My life-moto, “Life is a Journey” acknowledges that on the journey of life there are mountain top experiences as well as valley’s.”
“It’s in these seasons of challenge and change that I’m drawn to be leading a team that makes a difference and develops quality support for children, young people and families.”
quality support for children, young people and families

“It’s been great to have met Wisdom and see how we can work more closely together for the benefit of local families. The £250 which he has kindly donated will pay for a child living with a parent with mental health problems to be part of an 8 week group where they can meet other children in a similar situation, be empowered to talk about their situation, thereby minimising their isolation and support them in developing resilience to move forward positively in life.”

How to support Family Friends
You too can help Family Friends help our fellow residents by volunteering, or donating.
- You can donate on-line, by standing order, by cheque, or through your will. To donate click here, or go to http://family-friends.org.uk/donate/
- Find out more about volunteering at http://family-friends.org.uk/volunteering/ then call Kerry on 0300 800 1005, or email her kerry@family-friends.org.uk
Have a great week.
Wisdom Da Costa
Councillor for Clewer North Ward, Windsor
Last Council Blog
Click here to read Wisdom’s last blog, “Council Blog – Cllr Wisdom Da Costa – 17 September 2014” which also tells you how to get your voice heard on aircraft nose. You must take action every time aircraft noise disturbs or distresses you, otherwise Heathrow will assume you are all happy with up to 750,000 flights a year buzzing your property.
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