Were you, like me, awoken at 4:30 am by a constant stream of flights coming in over Windsor? Are you fed up with Heathrow’s inconsiderate conduct? Imagine how bad it would be with a Third Runway and 50% more flights. Based on this morning’s events, perhaps Heathrow Airports Limited (HAL) should change its name to HELL.
This week, I was going to tell you about my surprise discoveries sitting on the Windsor planning panel (WUDCP), and share my, hopefully helpful, conclusions with you. But given my rude awakening, I will save those gems for another day now. Soon.

Night time noise: Are there any rules or sanctions for Heathrow HAL?
After last night’s extreme disturbances, Heathrow’s management have annoyed me, especially with their “talk to the hand” response to my tweet; You have to wonder whether HAL considers residents at all, or is it all seductive lip service?
I will investigate, and come back to you on the following issues relating to night flights;
- What are the rules, if any that it operates under for night flights?
- What sanctions can be applied to HAL if it breaks any night flight rules?
- And what can we do about it?
Watch this space.
Shout it out
In the mean time, if you don’t like the NOISE of aircraft overhead, shout it out to HAL (Heathrow);
- Log your complaint on Heathrow’s “Report Noise” service – click here
- Email Heathrow noise_complaints@heathrow.com
- Call HAL on 0800 344 844 (Noise Team)
WARNING: Heathrow Airport sometimes move the on-line complaint service, so if the link above doesn’t work, try http://www.heathrowairport.com/noise and also tell us.
So, what have I been doing these last two weeks?
My role as your Councillor seems to be falling into four parts;
- Strategic action on your behalf including A) Heathrow & Aviation issues, B) Housing on green belt land, & C) Pavements & potholes
- Helping residents get Council related issues resolved
- Representing the Council on panels and committees
- Proactive action on your behalf meeting officers & councillors
Strategic action on your behalf & initiatives
In my election manifesto, I identified a number of issues which are key for Clewer North, Dedworth, West Windsor, & Windsor.
Here are the issues, and what I am doing for you

Heathrow & Aviation issues
Proposed Third Runway
See article, “Council Blog – Cllr Wisdom Da Costa – 30 August 2014”
I have also written to your MP, Adam Afriyie, to request that he pursue Heathrow on issues including the extra aircraft noise from the proposed Third Runway. I will publish more details soon.

Equal distribution of flights on runways so Windsor’s load is reduced (Cranford Agreement)
I have written to the CEO of Heathrow to request an understanding of their strategy, and will publish the letter, and his response shortly.
I am working with Cllr Beer, the WWRA’s Aviation Team, and other Councillors and Officers both through the RBWM’s Aviation Forum, and more widely.
Night time flights
See intro – I will write about this in the next few weeks
Housing on green belt land
This is tied up with two issues, both of which will constrain or enhance planning for the benefit of local residents;
- This is being prepared by the Council now
- I will work with the WWRA to monitor the situation & make representations on behalf of you to RBWM

Windsor Neighbourhood Plan Forum
- This is where YOU come in, read my article, “Windsor’s future – vision or nightmare?” and the related content.
- You should join the group and help them shape the future you want at www.windsorplan.org.uk
- With the WWRA, I will try to keep you up to date on issues, and help YOU GET INVOLVED to safeguard your town

Pavements & potholes
- To help you, and empower you, I recently launched an initiative called, “Pavement & pothole purge” . The article will guide you to FREE TOOLS to help you identify problems in your neighbourhood.
- Bob Kirk and I will be collating the responses to submit to the Council’s Streetcare team later this week.
- But, keep the responses coming in.
Helping residents get Council related issues resolved
I have already been contacted by residents to help them on a range of issues. To do this, I need to;
- Listen to the resident or residents
- Relay queries to relevant officers; This can be a mission in itself as a new Councillor, without much support, as I first have to identify which officer at the Council deals with the issue;
- Monitor progress; some issues are complex, affected by difference RBWM departments, and so require to be dealt with by a number of different officers; this often slows down progress
- Communicate to residents
There can be many iterations of these steps, and some solutions take time to develop, so back-and-forth, back-and-forth…
The sorts of issues I have been dealing with to date include;
- Parking issues
- Lack of parking issues
- Antisocial behaviour
- Poo bins, and poo bags
- Traffic calming in danger hot spots
I will report back on many of these issues, on a no-names basis, to help you get the most from your Council.
Representing the Council on panels and committees
I represent the Council on the following committees and panels, either as a normal representative (member), or as a substitute.
These are the panels and committees I sit on as a member;
- Adult Services & Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel
- Rights of Way and Highway Licensing Panel
- Rural Forum
These are the groups I sit on as a substitute for other West Windsor Independent Councillors;
- Highways, Transport & Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel
- Leisure, Culture & Libraries Overview & Scrutiny Panel
- Windsor Town Forum
- Windsor Urban DC Panel (WUDCP)
You can find out more about each panel by clicking on the panel’s name.
Proactive action on your behalf Meeting officers & Councillors
In order to get the best from our Council for you, I have begun a carousel of meetings with RBWM officers and Councillors to understand how they work, and how they can best help me, get help for you with specific issues & case work that you submit, strategic issues, or to help me in my roles representing the Council.

Help us help you
I, along with my other Independent colleagues, will continue to do our best within the limitations of our role, but the workers are few.
So come and help us help you.
To volunteer email me cllr.dacosta@rbwm.gov.uk
Summary of action points
- Complain about noise to Heathrow by email (click here) or by telephone on 0800 344 844
- Watch out for more posts on Heathrow, and what you can to to help yourself
- Watch out for more posts on Planning, and how it can help you
- Click on the hyperlinks in the article above
- Join the Windsor Neighbourhood Plan Forum (www.windsorplan.org.uk)
- Audit your roads, and send the results to me -Use the free tools at, “Pavements & potholes purge – tools for Roads in Clewer North“
Have a great week.
Wisdom Da Costa
Councillor for Clewer North Ward, Windsor
Last Council Blog
Click here to read Wisdom’s last blog, “Council Blog – Cllr Wisdom Da Costa – 30 August 2014“
The views of the writer does not necessarily reflect the views of the WWRA, and no liability can be accepted for any damage caused by the contents of this article, or its publication on the WWRA website, or it’s use by others.