Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) fit for purpose? Continue reading Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) fit for purpose? Continue reading Is the draft RBWM Sustainability SPD worth the paper it’s written on?
The Corporate Plan is THE MOST IMPORTANT strategy document in the Council’s Constitution; It influences ALL the decisions that RBWM will make. But is the Council excluding residents through a fake consultation process? Are you being prevented from influencing the actions of your council? Continue reading RBWM Corporate Plan Consultation, or not?
If you are troubled by the noise of aircraft flying overhead, whether at night, in the early hours of the morning, or like a Chinese water torture every minute during the day, please complete the Consultation form for the Heathrow … Continue reading How and why you should respond to the Heathrow Airport Noise Management Plan
Aircraft noise is a blight for people living in Windsor & Datchet especially in recent months. Opportunity knocks. Find out how you can respond to Heathrow Airport Noise Management Consultation. It ends 17 July 2023 Continue reading Heathrow Airport Noise Management Consultation ends 17 July 2023
Cllr Carole DA COSTA & Wisdom DA COSTA presented three credible, necessary amendments to the 2023/24 Budget to provide for residents in Windsor and the elderly and vulnerable in care. Were our amendments for you accepted? Continue reading WWRA Budget Proposals to Council 21 February 2023
Windsor residents have concerns about how the Town is being run. We have packaged your comments into a series of WWRA Plans For Windsor. Continue reading What Windsor residents are talking about – WWRA Plans For Windsor
Windsor residents have low levels of confidence due to perceptions of a lack of enforcement.
The WWRA proposes to restore confidence, improve our environment and reduce damage Continue reading Residents’ concerns about planning and enforcement
Windsor’s poor pavements are inflicting immobility and ill health on residents. WWRA Councillors want Windsor to come alive for Windsorians. After working with senior RBWM officers, we are proposing that some of the £3.97m windfall budget be used to improve a network of pavements, install 9 crossings and amenable drop kerbs in two phases and, separately also increase enforcement and bus services Continue reading WWRA Windsor Walkways Proposal
WWRA Propose improvements to Windsor Buses to allow more people to access bus services into Clewer, Dedworth and Windsor, including the NIght Time Economy of pubs, clubs, theatres and restaurants Continue reading WWRA Improvements to Windsor Bus Services
WWRA Councillor is influencing the investment policies of the Royal Berkshire Pension Fund for the benefit of members and the good of humanity. Continue reading How RBWM can manage the Royal Berkshire Pension Fund to positively benefit members and future generations
Will Conservative Leader, Cllr. Andrew Johnson carve up Windsor and fail on his promise again?
Why is Cllr Rayner preventing the creation of a residents-led group to help redefine the working of the much discredited Windsor Town Forum? Continue reading Who do you trust to deliver a Windsor Town Council ?
WE NEED YOUR VOTE .From May 2023, you will need Photo ID to vote.
Find out how to get a free Photo ID, Voter Authority Certificate. Just use the clickable links. Continue reading How to get Photo ID to vote