RBWM wants the public’s overview and scrutiny

Get involved in Overview and Scrutiny

RBWM is inviting residents to get involved with Overview and Scrutiny at the council.

Scrutiny ensures good governance and helps influence the policies it adopts and the decisions it makes. The local auyhority would like to hear residents’ suggestions for inclusion within its work programmes for three overview and scrutiny panels: Corporate, People, and Place.

What makes a good scrutiny topic:

  • Scope – is it an issue of concern to our local communities and organisations?
  • Significance – could a review of this issue improve the council’s processes or performance and make a positive difference to the lives of our residents?
  • Appropriate – is this review timely and does it avoid duplicating other work?

Items that will not be considered include:

  • Individual service complaints for which there is a corporate complaints procedure
  • Topics outside of the remit of the council or where the council has no powers or influence to change an outcome.
  • Issues which scrutiny has considered in the past 12 months.
  • Areas relating to quasi-judicial functions, for example: planning, licensing and standards.

If you have any suggestions of topics that you wish to be considered for scrutiny, please complete the suggestion form. Your request will then be considered for approval against the outlined criteria and considered for inclusion on the relevant work programme.

More information can be found on the RBWM website