Have your say on proposed routes for subsidised bus services in the Royal Borough from 2024

RBWM council has invited residents to give feedback on proposed routes for subsidised bus services in the Borough from 2024 to ensure buses will call at the key destinations you travel to.

In the borough, around half of the bus routes are currently subsidised and the council claims it invests £1.1 million a year to support these. Every few years, bus companies are asked to compete for the contracts to run these services, as a way to make sure rssidents get best value for the funding.

The current contracts come to an end next summer, and RBWM is now seeking feedback on the proposed locations and streets where buses will call within the new package of routes that we will ask bus companies to compete for.

A consultation runs until Wednesday 20 December and residents can give views by taking part in the surveys on the RBWM website.

People who don’t have online access can use the public-access computers at all local libraries. If you require paper copies of the consultation documents and survey, these are also available from all libraries upon request. Read more in the RBWM press release.