Upcoming events in and around Windsor

Autumble table top sale (Saturday 18 November, 10am to 12pm) – Clewer Green First School, Hatch Lane, Windsor, SL4 3RL. Entry for buyers is free and it’s a great chance to pick up some pre-loved bargains. A few seller tables are still available to book – £10 each with sellers taking home all profits on the day. To book a table email friendsclewergreen@gmail.com 

Quiz evening for Age Concern (Thursday 23 November, starting at 7pm) – Spencer Denney Centre, Park Corner, Windsor. Tickets £15 a head and will include a fish, chicken or veggie burger and chips. All proceeds are going to Age Concern Windsor to help support services for older people in and around Windsor. Bring your own refreshments (soft drinks will be on sale, before the start and with the meal). Come as a team or join one on the night. For more information and to book call 01753 860685 or email info@ageconcernwindsor.org.uk  

Ukrainian charity Christmas craft fair (Saturday 25November, 11am to 4pm) – Windsor Baptist Church. Local Ukrainian guests will be selling their beautiful handmade crafts, some raising money for Ukrainian charities and organisations. Highlights include scented candles, crochet children’s toys and homewares, handmade mirrors and jewellery, hand-drawn cards, knitted and embroidered decorations. There will also be festive refreshments, cakes and music, together with masterclasses in making Lalki-Motanki dolls and decorations. Entry is free. 

Christmas fayre (Saturday 25 November, 10am to 1pm) at the Spencer Denney Centre, Park Corner, Windsor. There will be knitted goods, handmade soaps and bath bombs, Christmas decorations, table decorations and wreaths, along with a cafe and cake stall. Most of the stalls are run by local people and Age Concern Windsor. For more information and to book call 01753 860685 or email info@ageconcernwindsor.org.uk  

Christmas fair (Sunday 26 November,1pm to 5pm) – Clewer Memorial Park, Dedworth Road, Windsor. Lots of fun for the kids, stalls and meet Santa. Visit Clewer and Dedworth Together for more information. 

Clewer Scout and Guide Group Christmas fayre (Saturday 9 December, 11am to 2pm) – 12thWindsor Scout HQ, Maidenhead Road, SL4 5EY. Books, cakes, tombola, gifts, games and toy stalls. There’s also a raffle and refreshments. 

Community fridge volunteers wanted. If you have a passion for preventing food waste and protecting the environment then the Driven Forward Community Fridge may be just the ticket. The charity needs volunteers to carry out local food collections in the mornings and to take the food to the community fridge. Shifts work out well for parents whose children are at school. To find out more, please contact driven.forward@outlook.com