Clewer Memorial Ground lines up for robotic pitch marker test

A West Windsor playing field has been used as a test bed for a new robotic pitch line marker that is right on the mark.

RBWM has been testing a robot designed to mark out perfect playing pitches – offering the potential to save staff time to spend on other grounds maintenance work. 

The machine can be used for initial marking out of pitches and over-marking during the season to keep the pitch fresh, using preprogrammed GPS instructions to paint 100 per cent straight and accurate lines. 

Programming and supervising the robot can be done by one person, whereas initial marking out traditionally requires two people and is more time-consuming. 

The robot is considerably quicker and uses less paint, too. 

The council’s grounds maintenance contractor, Tivoli, led the demonstration at Clewer Memorial Recreation Ground after the completion of initial marking of the borough’s pitches a few weeks ago. 

Read more in the press release.