Cllr McWilliams proposed a motion on BlackLivesMatter that was to be presented to last Tuesday’s tempestuous Council Meeting. But does it cover the key issues of racism and inequality in the Borough?
An inflection point
I hope that the death of George Floyd will become the inflection point for racial equality and equality generally.
But the evil maiming, rape, murder and oppression of black people and oppression of people of colour has been occouring for hundreds of years.
- If you want to know the full horror of what we are responsible for, research the life and death of Emmett Till and his body at the funeral – BEWARE this might shock you
- If you want to know about equality generally, ask your sister, your mother, your grandmother.
Black Lives Matter. Absolutely.
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter. Absolutely. We can not define the value of a person from the colour of their skin, not limit their access to healthcare, jobs, or society. As Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu recently put it, “If you don’t see colour you don’t see me. If you don’t see me you don’t see the abuse I get because of the colour of my skin. You’re not being an Ally you’re being an Appendage”
a sort of class war
Worrying signals of inequality
A rudimentary analysis of RBWM and it’s neighbouring boroughs shows that Asians are overrepresented in politics, but poorer whites are underrepresented and, black people are massively underrepresented. This trend between these authorities is mixed but seems to have grown worse between 2015 and 2020 and also seems to show that at face value discrimination also takes place between “rich” and “poor”; a sort of class war.
Being a person of colour, name-calling is uncomfortable, but it is the hidden, institutional racism that is the most frustrating, and most difficult to address; the lack of an interview; missing out on a job; having your views ignored; feeling locked out of the group etc..
telltale signals of racism
Does racism occur in the Royal Borough?
Does racism occur? Of course it does. Does it happen in Windsor and the Royal Borough? Yes.
I think we do need to takes steps to discover whether there is a problem with overt or systemic racism in Council and amongst politicians, talk about it, and work on eradicating such unhealthy mindsets, which will include mysogenistic behaviour.
I agree that we must work together to strive for the most balanced, and unbiased levels of equality, the highest standards of behaviour, and the greatest levels of achievements in this Borough.
But you can’t easily see institutional racism or sexism; no one will ever admit to it who needs to. So you have to look for the telltale signals of racism, the outcomes of racist and misogynistic attitudes, and how people are being treated privately or publicly.
agreed as an urgent motion by the Mayor
Cllr McWilliams Proposed Black Lives Matter Motion

you have to look for the telltale signals
Dealing with racism and inequality in the Royal Borough
This motion proposed by Cllr McWilliams does not address any of the substantive issues behind the Black Lives Matter issue. His proposal is already covered by law, our code of conduct and the Nolan Principles. In the words of André Walker the wording of the motion, “is truistic and therefore unworthy of consideration.”
If we want to deal with this seriously, we must take time to investigate this properly, to consult with people of colour, the experts, and present a sound proposal to Council to honour the death or George Floyd, and the tens of thousands of black and ethic people who have died at the hands of our ignorance. And I’m not even mentioning the millions and millions of people of colour who have died as a result of British actions.
I have made a start and taken steps to gather further data on the issue looking also at employment rolls and seniority levels, recruitment and interview policies, and training available, and I have stated the discrepancies in the ranks of the members.
present a substantial motion
An invitation to model equality and honour George Foyd
Cllr McWilliams, let’s show equality by example, working together, white, brown, black, and many others to present a substantial motion and one that honours the life and death of George Floyd.
Millions of people of colour are looking on from their graves watching us, cheering us on Ross.
Accountably yours
Cllr Wisdom Da Costa
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
- This post is part of the WWRA Councillors regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as promised in their election leaflet
- It is also to comply with clause v of the Members Code of Conduct which states, “You must be as open as possible about your decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of your authority and should be prepared to give reasons for those decisions and actions.”
- The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).
- Any errors are unintentional so, I would value you bringing them to my intention so I can correct them. You can Email me