What’s your vision for Windsor?
Wisdom’s Vision for Windsor
My vision for Windsor is that we become a town that puts people first, where people fight one for one another and, look out for one another. A community where residents, businesses and institutions come together and help each other; rich; poor; able bodied; less able bodied; young; old; we all have something to give. Where people find satisfaction and fulfillment from living together.
My vision for Windsor is one where we consider the surroundings and learn to live in ways that benefit our environment locally and globally, working with pride and dignity and always seek excellence in all we do.
My vision is that Windsor would be renowned for its people & spirit, who also happen to live in the beautiful setting of the Thames Valley with the backdrop of the Windsor Castle; Crown & Town in harmony.
democracy does not end at the ballot box but, begins with your vote and continues with your involvement
If you share this vision for #Community #ServingEachOther and #Excellence in all we do, please come and join myself and others make life better.
Remember, democracy does not end at the ballot box but, begins with your vote and continues with your involvement.
Together let’s make life better for all.
Accountably yours,
Wisdom Da Costa
- This post is part of Cllr Wisdom Da Costa’s regular series of Blogs to inform and empower local residents; as he promised in his election leaflet
- It is also to comply with clause v of the Members Code of Conduct which states, “You must be as open as possible about your decisions and actions and the decisions and actions of your authority and should be prepared to give reasons for those decisions and actions.”
- The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA).
- Any errors are unintentional so, I would value you bringing them to my intention so I can correct them. You can Email me cllr.dacosta@rbwm.gov.uk