Wisdom’s blog 26 May 2017: an eye opening week

Wisdom’s blog reveals ordinary people doing the extraordinary, questions for residents on voting for your Mayor, unexpected planning decisions, odd comments from Councillors and, good news for Clewer North residents (at foot of article).

Here’s your chance to have your say


Here’s your chance to have your say. Read the blog below then, respond to these polls

Poll 1 Do you think that residents should decide who should be mayor and not just the ruling political group?

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Poll 2 Do you think there is something strange going on in planning panels?

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Windsor 26 May 2017:  The settling in continues

So, it’s been a busy and eye opening week for me and, I have struggled to fit my day job in – I must try harder.

There is light in the near distance but, I will continue to be swamped for the next couple of months as I;

  • Put in place the infrastructure to serve people effectively, including
  • Creating a network and developing relationships with key contacts around the Borough as a start,
  • Put in place the administration to systematically respond to the volume and complexity of queries from residents,
  • Get up to speed with how the new, increasingly slim line, outsourced Council works and,
  • Meet with various senior officers and undertake the training and research necessary to comprehend the various legislation and regulations applicable to my areas of responsibility – whether or not the Council offers it.

It’s a tall order, especially for a single Independent Councillor from Windsor without a party machine to support me and, with a day job, family and other responsibilities to fit in so;

  1. Be patient with me and, remind me if I have forgotten you (it’s not intentional) and
  2. Come and help with this exciting work adding value and holding people to account.


You can volunteer by emailing me on Cllr.DaCosta@RBWM.gov.uk



Paul’s Leaflet – click to download a copy

What makes an ordinary person do something extraordinary?

The week started with me spending my Saturday afternoon helping a local resident deliver leaflets about a cause he felt incensed about. His story is intriguing.

Paul has lived between Maidenhead and Windsor for more than 30 years and, his family have a background in aviation.

Although some time ago a professional engineer on airport ILS (instrument landing sytems), since then Paul has worked in sales and marketing in the UK and internationally in the IT industry. He has made a career promoting products and, to quote the proverbial, “accentuating the positive and the benefits”, and selling to major companies such as Centrica, Rover cars, ABB and to Government such as HMRC, DWP, Departments of Energy and Employment etc, plus others abroad.

Paul is a glass half full sort of guy who takes pride in his profession; an ordinary person, like you and me.

But something has annoyed amiable Paul. Really annoyed him.

In fact, so annoyed this genial giant that he has gone to extraordinary lengths to get his points across and even tackle the Prime Minister, in person, on three occasions.

Paul has taken it upon himself not only to make a lengthy presentation to the Prime Minister Theresa May, but also to produce thousands of leaflets, pull together a group of volunteers from across the region to deliver these thousands of leaflets around the Royal Borough and, challenged Theresa May in person and in the press when she seemed to kick his valid queries under the carpet. Now that is extraordinary, don’t you think?

So what has got Paul so motivated?

Serious exaggerations of the truth

Serious exaggerations of the truth, as Paul would call it, from one of the UK’s most powerful organisations, the “revolving door” between Heathrow Airport Ltd and the Department for Transport meaning that the DfT blindly supports Heathrow’s ambitions, and the change of Government position despite promises to the contrary and valid concerns by the Prime Minister’s own constituents.

Yes, Heathrow Airport and successive governments!

we know that Heathrow have a believability issue

Heathrow Airport’s Top Tales as cited by Paul

Mis-information and gross exaggeration from Heathrow Airport Ltd.” says Paul. But why? 

At the West Drayton Consultation Paul had a long conversation with a Department for Transport (DfT) official, during which the official informed Paul that “we know that Heathrow have a believability issue”.   Wow. That is stunning, coming from a DfT official; a professional; a public servant.

However it is much more than just “believability”. Paul research and experience threw up shocking revelations which incensed him. But, rather than just throwing his hand up in despair at the situation, he decided to do something.

Click here to read Paul’s list of Heathrow Airport’s Top Tales – they are quite incredible.

Tell me what you think

Paul’s fight for fair-play has clearly been fueled by Heathrow Airport’s apparent falsity.

What would move you to fight with all your might for others?

Tell me what you think. Email me on Cllr.DaCosta@RBWM.gov.uk



Mayor John Lenton with Mayoress Margaret Lenton

Who should be Mayor?

I also attended the annual Mayor making ceremony at the Town Hall

It was great to see Cllr. John Lenton being made mayor, not just because he was snubbed for the same role by his Conservative colleagues many years ago but, also because I have a lot of time for his wife, Margaret Lenton, the former Head teacher at my alma mater, Slough Grammar School and, also my former boss when I taught there.

The Mayor is voted for by the 57 Councillors though, given the party political process, perhaps the Leader of the Council has has a significant influence in the nomination process; It’s worth noting that in the last 9 years, every Mayor has been a Conservative Councillor.

people should decide who should be mayor

Quick poll 1

Poll 1: Do you think that the people should decide who should be mayor and not just the ruling political group?

Answer poll at top of page



Shocking planning decisions and strange comments by Councillors!

But the highlight and lowlight of the week happened on Wednesday at the Windsor Urban Development Management Panel – the group tasked with deciding upon planning applications that are to be decided upon publicly for reasons of public interest or, because a Councillor has requested that the decision be made by Councillors rather than officers – warning light 1.

I nearly didn’t make the meeting due to a livestock emergency, one of my hives swarmed so I had to make sure that humans and bees were OK, and, although I had sent my apologies never-the-less, I was able to get to the meeting, a few minutes late having read all the paperwork but, not fully prepared for what happened next.

The decisions all looked straight forward given the clear and weighty recommendations by officers but, two strange decisions were made and, you genuinely wonder why?

17/00006/FULL; Thames Court 1 Victoria Street Windsor SL4 1YB; Construction of a 5 storey building with associated car parking access and landscaping works following demolition of existing office building.

First, and most importantly, officers used quite strong language, bearing in mind the reputation of the ruling administration, to recommend refusal for a 5 story office, gargantuan gargoyle of a development in the heart of the Heritage area, so special rules of great gravitas, in the heart of Windsor – traffic, parades and security risk to boot and exacerbated during the building phase

Nevertheless, certain Conservative councillors, and I call them the usual suspects, called for a vote against the officers, remember that the officers are trained professionals here to protect the council and serve the public, and, they narrowly won despite the warnings from both officers and the excellent panel Chairman, Cllr Malcolm Alexander.

So what now? Can the decision be challenged to ensure the protection afforded by law is more correctly followed?

I do not know the answer to that but, I can tell you who voted which way.

Who voted to allow development, against the officers recommendation;

  • Bicknell, Conservative, Park Ward
  • Grey, Conservative, Datchet
  • Muir, Conservative, Datchet
  • Quick, Conservative, Clewer East, Windsor
  • Shelim, Conservative, Castle Without

Who voted with the officers to protect Windsor in the face of an inappropriate proposal?

  • Bowden, Conservative, Clewer East
  • Da Costa, Independent, Clewer North
  • Rayner (S), Conservative, Eton Wick
  • Alexander, Conservative, Eton & Castle

in a Trump-esque comment, Cllr Phil Bicknell questioned the validity of global warming

So the compelling question remain. Why did these councillors consider themselves so expert in planning law, and even the borough’s own local plan and, so above the wisdom of the professionals that, despite strong representations by the officers and, warnings from the Chairman, still chose to allow a £multi-million, disruptive development in the heart of Windsor’s protected heritage zone?

Indeed, perhaps we should question the validity of the decision when Cllr Quick who vote to allow the development publicly asked, “Have we actually got a current Borough Plan?” *1. Eye opening. Warning light 2

*1 & 2see trasnscripts below

17/00425/FULL; Land To Rear of 250 To 284 Horton Road Datchet Slough; Erection of two new commercial units (Use class B2 – general industrial) within the existing commercial site.

The second decision related to building in Flood Zone 3b – a definite no-no according to regulations, especially with the Environmental Agency objecting. Yet, the application was not refused point blank but rather deferred (ready for what?) and, in a Trumpesque comment, the Vice Chairman, Cllr Phil Bicknell questioned the validity of global warming*2 perhaps as a challenge to the Environment Agency’s statutory view, which was an objection to the application. Really!? Eye opening. Warning light 3 = red alert?

Perhaps my views are down to my in-experience as a Councillor, in which case I will happily accept constructive criticism, sage advice and, deeper levels of education. Email me Cllr.DaCosta@RBWM.gov.uk

But if perhaps my instincts are correct then, something strange is going on, in which case, working with you and others, let’s try to get to the bottom of things and suggest ways of correcting errors and improving decision making, for the sake of our children, posterity and the Royal Borough.

If you want to help me add value to the Royal Borough, email me Cllr.DaCosta@RBWM.gov.uk

Quick poll 2

Poll 2: Do you think there is something strange going on in planning panels?

Answer poll at top of page



I have organised a set of surgeries for you

Wisdom Da Costa Wins Clewer North By-Election 4 May 2017

Good news for residents of Clewer North

So, what else have I been up to for you;

  • I have helped the WWRA put together and dispatch its excellent response, prepared by local avaiation experts Mike Sullivan and John Holdstock, to the DfT’s latest consultation on a third runway at Heathrow Airport – click here for more information
  • I have produced my own personal response to the DfT consultation based on extensive research on the serious medical issues and, consultation with WWRA experts – click here for more information
  • Good news: I have organised a set of surgeries for you, at four locations around the ward, for residents of Clewer North to meet me and, bring concerns to me. That’s good news right? Here’s the list of my surgeries for 2017/18

Wisdom’s Clewer North Surgeries for 2017/18

When? Where? What time?
10-Jun-17 New Windsor Community Association, Hanover Way, SL4 5NW 10am – 12, noon
07-Sep-17 Squires Garden Centre, The Willows, SL4 5UB 10am – 12, noon
04-Dec-17 Dedworth Library, Smiths Lane, SL4 5PE 5pm – 7pm
05-Mar-18 St. Andrews Church, Mill Lane, SL4 5JH 7pm – 9pm
  • And there is more good news for you; RBWM’s Gardens in Bloom 2017 which be coming to your garden in the next few weeks; Watch out for me with my clipboard, certificates and rosettes; Email me your nominations for the best gardens in Clewer North at DaCosta@RBWM.gov.uk


More sensational news soon – I guarantee it, or should I say, the conduct of other Councillors guarantees it!!!

Follow me on Twitter on @wisdomdacosta

Accountably yours,


Wisdom Da Costa

Independent Councillor, Clewer North, Windsor


Notes from Periscope broadcast by RBWM of WUDMP meeting dates 24 May 2017 at https://www.pscp.tv/RBWM/1OdJryNyVawGX

*1. Cllr. Eileen Quick

1:14:14 “Have we actually got a current Borough Plan”

*2. Cllr. Phil Bicknell

1:46:00 “I think the interesting thing here is that I am hearing climate change…I’ve heard experts from both sides of that argument and I don’t believe anything is proven so I am not sure why the Environment Agency are this down to the environment changing because, I consider myself to be a layman, but I’m not stupid, but I’ve seen the arguments from both sides, I don’t believe climate change is proven.”



The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the West Windsor Residents Association (WWRA)