Last night’s Rally Against The Runway brought together speakers from across the political, business, and environmental spectrum, all with the same message, “No, to a Third and Fourth Runway at Heathrow” Here are a few Tweet treats.
We will try and get copies of their excellent, and informative speeches for you shortly, but here are a few tweet treats from last night;
Rally Against The Runway Quotes
- Heathrow expansion plans are inhuman. @StevenJNorris
- The appetite of the aviation industry is insatiable, and if they give you a promise you can be sure they won’t keep it. @vincecable
- The predict and provide model being used by Heathrow is bogus. @vincecable
- Heathrow’s promises are unbelievable. @wandbc Cllr Ravi Govinder
- Heathrow’s pockets are deep, but their arguments are shallow. @CarolinePidgeon
- Heathrow (Third Runway) will be the iconic battle ground for the (our) environment @johnmcdonnellMP (apologies for any errors in the quote)
Based on the information I have seen, I regard all these tweets as factual.
PS Adam Afriyie also spoke at the event √
Download the NO THIRD RUNWAY POSTER here
Click here to download the poster
The battle for our environment continues