Are you aware that there two air pollution hot spots in Windsor?
Windsor’s two air pollution hotspots
Windsor’s two key air pollution hotspots are on;
- Clarence Road roundabout and at the junction of Imperial Road/St Leonards Road, and
- Clewer Hill Road/Winkfield Road.
Both of these areas have been declared AQMA’s (Air Quality Management Areas) which means that the level of Nitrogen Dioxide exceeds the permitted (ie safe to health) limits.
RBWM called to explain more at Windsor Town Forum
Helen Price has requested, and its been agreed, that an Officer will explain in layman’s terms, the extent of these hotspots, the action which has been taken in attempting to reduce these limits (and whether these have proved successful or not – she thinks not!) and what future actions are proposed to bring the levels down to well below the permitted levels.
Helen’s call to action
So attend the Windsor Town Forum on Thursday 19 Feb 18.30 at the Guildhall to find out more.