Do you want another gambling shop in Dedworth?

Bookmaker, William Hill have made a planning application to convert a retail shop into another gambling outlet in Dedworth. Do you want another gambling shop in Dedworth? Here’s how to influence the decision on Wednesday 3 December

What is going on?

Bookies William Hill are seeking to convert the old Blockbuster shop, from a retail unit into a gambling den. The application (No 14/03055/FULL) seeks a change of use from A1 (Shops) to A2 (Financial and Professional Services), and the installation of new shopfront and erection of satellite dishes and air conditioning units to rear

What did the Planning Inspector Say?

In their planning report, RBWM’s Planning officer stated that, “The proposed A2 use would have a positive impact on the vitality of the area and would not negatively impact the standard of local retail provision.” Do you agree?

Councillor Wisdom Da Costa’s comments

I have a number of grave concerns, which I was interviewed about on BBC Radio Berkshire, which you can read about in my blog, Gambling on the BBC Radio Berkshire” – click here to listen to the interview, and read about the issues.

ACT QUICKLY to have your say …

You have the opportunity to comment on the application, and make representations in the one of the following ways.

1. Contact your local councillor***

Find your local councillor by clicking on our page, “Meet The Councillors”, or if you want to ensure your case is taken up by an Independent councillor, contact “West Windsor” Independent Cllr John Penfold, who is a member of the WUDCP. If you have views on this application IT IS ESSENTIAL that you make these known to John, so that he can vote in full knowledge of the views of his constituents. You can contact him by email, telephone, or post – click here for Cllr Penfold’s contact details.

Also contact:

Cllr Eileen Quick, Clewer East, (Chairman, WUDCP) – click here for Cllr Quick’s contact details.

Cllr Simon Meadowcroft, Clewer South, (Vice-Chair, WUDCP) – click here for Cllr Meadowcroft’s contact details.

Cllr Phil Bicknell, Park Ward – click here for Cllr Bicknell’s contact details.


2. Attend the planning meeting***

If you have strong views then do attend the meeting so that Panel members can see the strength of feeling. Click here to find out more about the meeting.  The meeting of the WUDCP will be at the Guildhall in Windsor at 7pm on Wednesday 3 December 2014

Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 19.37.52
An example of what to do

3. Visit the RBWM website and*

Go to the RBWM website page, and on the right hand side click on “Comment on this Application”. Make your own statements, positive or negative, possibly also in relation to problems with parking in the area.

4. Email RBWM’s  Development Control team

Leanne Richardson, from The Development Control team is based at York Stream House, c/o Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1RF. Tel. 01628 683810 E-mail


  • Remember to state your case for, or against.
  • In all cases, remember to quote the case reference, “14/03055/FULL “


The planning documents


Lets work together to develop a better Windsor, better for all regardless of age, income or circumstance.



Wisdom Da Costa Chair, WWRA Councillor, Clewer North in Windsor